Sam Diko,


Sincere greetings to you and your family. I am writing you this letter with
a sincere hope for you to be able to assist me and my family. I am Sam Diko,
the son of the late Chief Jami Diko, a strong politician who was murdered in
the present civil war in Liberia. My father was among the founding fathers
of the revolutionary front. The whole six of the founding fathers were
assassinated one after the other by Mr. Charles Taylor for the allegation
that they were trying to set up the present rebel group. I have this strong
belief that you are a trustworthy person to deal with hence I have decided
to write this letter to you for your assistance. My late father was among
the few Liberians murdered in cold blood by the agent of the ruling
government of President Charles Taylor for his alleged support and Sympathy
for Liberian opposition of Mr. Charles Taylor's Government. Before the death
of my father, he took me to Togo to deposit the sum of Nineteen Million, United States 
Dollars (US$19,000,000.00) with a security and finance company, as if he knew the 
looming danger in Liberia.

The money was deposited in a consignment as gem or precious stone to avoid
much demurrage from the Security firm. My dad initially earmarked this money
partly for us to continue our schooling abroad and for the Purchase of new
machinery and chemicals for his farms and the establishment of new farms in
Lesotho and Swaziland. This problem arose when President Charles Taylor was
advised to leave his office because the political situation at that time was
almost at boiling point.  Because of the advice that they gave him, the
result was a rampant killing and mob actions against us all. I and my Mother
are currently staying in London (UK) as refugees/asylum seekers have
decided to transfer this money to a foreign country where we can invest it.
My Mum has been declared wanted in Liberia. I am faced with the dilemma of
investing this amount of money anywhere in Africa for fear of encountering
the same experience in future since most countries have the same political
history. Also we can be traced in Africa.

I am happy to inform you that we have finally been able to get the money
into Holland. I am seeking for a foreign partner who can come up and be used
as the new next beneficiary to this our money which is kept in the security
company. We brought it here under diplomatic coverage through a Diplomatic
security Company as a consignment containing artifacts and family valuables.
It is registered that way to avoid much demurrage from the security
company's vaults. Also, it is not allowed to carry money in this form hence
we had to declare it as artifacts. Our helper told us that the only way we
can get our funds back is to get a reliable foreign person who we can use.

We have arranged all the modalities and documents to do all these. I must
let you know that everything is 100% risk Free, timely and the nature of
your business does not necessarily matter. We are begging you to please come
quickly to our aid and help us receive this consignment from the security
company in Holland. We shall give you all the necessary documents to place you as the
sole beneficiary to the consignment. For your assistance and support, I and
my mother have agreed to give you 20% of the total consignment, while 75%
will be for us which we shall also invest in your Country with your advice
and the remaining 5% will be mapped out for any incidental expenses which we
may incur during the transaction.

We have all the original documents that you will produce at the security
company so that the consignment will be released to you on our behalf
without the security company asking you questions. Please be interested to
render us the needed assistance because we are in dying need of your help,
support and endeavor to call me through my Guardian's phone number
and ask after me or reply me through my private email
address as above. Remember that this is highly confidential discussion and
also the Success of this whole transaction depends on how secret it is kept.
I shall bring you into a more detailed picture of this transaction when you reply me.

Best Regards,

Sam Diko.  

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