Dear friend,

This letter may come to you as a surprise due to the fact that we have not yet met, 
but kindly consider the message, because, I am determined to live for posterity.

I wish to plead with you to join me in not only serving humanity, but to also benefit 
in the process. This message could be strange but reality will definitely dawn on you, 
if you pay some attention to its contents. Please accept my sincere apologies in 
bringing this message to you; I have to say that I do not intend to cause you any 
personal pains or discomfort.

I am Mr. MICHAEL  STEVENS former Special Assistant to the Liberian President, 
Mr.CHARLES TAYLOR who just stepped down from the office of the President due to 
rebel's insurgency who wants to overthrow his government.  President Charles Taylor  
in his bid to fend-off rebel insurgency, and since he could no longer trust the army 
generals, confidentially put in my care, the sum of $15,000,000.00 (Fifteen million 
United States dollars) in one instance for the purpose of purchasing arms and 
ammunitions should the need arise. However, unfortunately, the need did not arise as 
he has gone on exile. I deposited the US$15 million in a trunk box in a secret 
location and just the two of us knew about it, and I could not get in touch with any 
arms dealer before the President was indicted in a war crime tribunal set up by the 
United Nations (UN). I have since held on to this trunk box, which I was able to 
transport out of Liberia with the aid of peace keeping soldiers under the guise of 
conveying my personal effects without anybody knowing, to a security deposit company 
in Holland.
 I do not want to keep the funds any longer, but I can never turn it over to the 
brutal and tyrannical rogue regime of Mr. Charles Taylor  who is still committing all 
sorts of atrocities on the Liberian people. I am not soliciting for your help to wage 
a war against the regime, but to act as a foreign partner, to allow me transfer the 
funds to you, which you will in turn donate a portion of it as a humanitarian gesture 
to the Liberian people by purchasing such essential needs like blankets, milk and so 
on, water-pumping machines and agricultural equipment, from the money after deducting 
your expenses and the commission of 20%. Please note that I could have approached the 
Red Cross Society, but I changed my mind on that after calculating what they would 
deduct as commission, and also, after rationalizing the scandal that followed their 
mismanagement of the donations meant for the victims of the September 11th attack on 
the United States. Also, note that this offer will give you a double-edged advantage:
 1. As the benefactor of the Liberian people and;
 2. The commission you stand to earn.
 On getting a positive response from you, I will send to you the secret access codes 
to the funds and the security vault company my telephone number and my address. Please 
note that confidentiality and honesty are fundamental rules in this transaction.
Be assured that I am a reputable personality in this country and I am mindful of the 
legal implications of this transaction, as I intend taking care of all the legal 
documentations for a successful and hitch-free transaction. You will be expected to 
take delivery of this fund personally from the deposit company in Europe.
 I am therefore soliciting your assistance to have this money collected by you and/or 
facilitate the transfer into your nominated account(s). PLEASE NOTE THAT YOUR 
this transaction on receipt of your response to this proposal. Thank you very much for 
your time and understanding.
Yours sincerely.


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