Title: This is one time email campaign for WSNTV10011

Looking for creative and talented executives, managers and
executive producers who can work on a part time basi

WSNTV is a global business, education, entertainment and media organization engaged in the development, production, and distribution of interactive videos, multimedia projects, lecture videos and transcripts, television/movie programs, facilitated by the joint efforts of a million members/producers.

What kind of opportunity is WSNTV 100 offering? IF YOU ---

    - Have the creative skills to create content
    - Wish to sell multimedia contents online at FTTH server with 20Gb under powerful mass email marketing support
    - Wish to work in teams to develop online business, produce videos/movies, television shows, and wide range of    multimedia   content
    - Have the managerial skills to inspire and motivate networks of thousands of talented, highly-motivated, creative    individuals
    - Wish to achieve real financial independence through team work with an innovative and forward-looking company

If you answered "Yes" to one or more of the above questions, we would like to have you! We are looking for Executives, Managers, Executive Producers, Professionals and Producing members/Students and to develop our ground-breaking virtual business. If you are resourceful and determined, open-minded about new ways of doing business, get in touch with us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

WSNTV100 does not employ any salaried staff.  All participants work on a part-time basis and participate on a co-ownership basis to earn income and equity depend on performance.

Right now, we are looking for an executives, managers, executive producers and multimedia content providers to build our teams to develop our ground-breaking virtual business.  We will offer you the suitable position at WSNTV100 based on your educational background, skills and exeperience, for which I invite you to send us a resume before you join us.

More information is available by clicking the links below:

Membership Remuneration Package at
MBA/PhD Programs and Rewards at
Evaluation Methodology at

Should you have specific questions about WSNTV10011, please do not hesitate to send us an email at

We look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes

James.Ko, Executive - WSNTV 100 Inc.
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E-mail based commercial communication avoids unnecessary spending on catalogues and paper, and helps to preserve valuable natural resources such as forests and oil. We do not wish to share our valuable information about broadband business with those who are not interested; only with those who want to participate in our projects.

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