Dear Sir

You may be surprise to receive this letter from me, since you don’t know me 
personally, I am ROBERT HARARE. The SON of DR EDWARD HARARE, Who was recently murdered 
in the land dispute in Zimbabwe. I got your contact as I was searching for a

Reliable person to handle a very confidential business which involve a transfer of 
fund to a foreign account and I decided to write you, my late father was among the few 

Zimbabwean opposition party rich farmers murdered by the agents of the ruling 
Government of president Robert mugabe, for his alleged support and sympathy for the 
Zimbabwean opposition party controlled by the white minority, Before the death of my

father, he had taken to Johannesburg and deposited the sum of thirty eight million 
united state dollars (U$38,000,000 with a diplomatic company in South Africa, and 
transfer to NETHERLAND(EUROPE), as if he foreseen the looming danger in Zimbabwe. The 
money was deposited in a box as valuable items (photographic material) to avoid over 
taxed custom clearance.  These land problems arose when president Robert mugabe 
introduced a new land act that wholly affected the rich white farmers and some blacks 
vehemently condemned the ideal. This result to rampant killings and mob action by the 
war veterans and some political thugs, precisely more than three thousand( 3,000) 
people have so far been killed. Heads of government from the west, especially Britain 
and United States have voice their condemnation of Mugabe's plans. Subsequently, south 
Africa have development community(S.A.D.C)has continuously supported mugabe's new land 
act, I am face with the dilemma of investing this money in the Netherlands because I 
am not having resident permit for fear of such investment, Hence I am seeking for 
(political asylum) in the Netherlands, I am looking for a business person whom I can 
entrusted this fund into his hands for investment, I must let you know that this 
transaction is 100% risk free and the nature of your business does not necessarily 
matter. For your assistance  I am offering you 30% of the sum, 65% for me and my 
family, while 5% will be mapped out for any expenses that we may incurred during this 
transaction. We wish to invest our money on commercial properties based on your 
advice. Finally, I will demand for assurance that you will not sit on the money when 
it gets to your personal account or Company account in your country, If this proposal 
is accepted please confirm your interest by or sending me email with this email  above 
or with above and also with my mobile number 0031630348789


Robert Harare

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