Dear friend,
You might be surprised how i got your email address,i acquired it
through personal effort.Well as a matter 
of fact, before the war i (MR.BALARAM CHOWDHURY) happened to be
President CHARLES TAYLOR`S permanent 
I surppose you aware of what happened in LIBIRIA regarding the forceful
remover of President CHARLES 
TAYLOR by the rebel forces, which attracted foreign media from all works
of life. The primary factor of the 
war was that the rebels complained of his incompetence to lead the
people of LIBERIA and that the 
president lack transparency and accountability.
Want boosted their moral was the embergo placed on the president and his
officials,barred from common 
wealth meeting,this as a matter of fact empowered the rebels to seek for
his remover . So the president 
wasn`t happy with the development because he knows the rebels could do
anything to remove him 
because he was rebel warlord during SAMUEL DOE`S era.So, when the
president made a national speech 
that same day that he won`t *RESIGN* that the rebels should go to
hell,that perhaps, constituted the war 
between rebel forces and government forces which later led to the
distruction of lives and property worth 
millions of dollars.
It might interest you to know that one of the West African brothering countries  
decided to grant him and his family 
including myself assylum to NIGERIA to allow national unity and peace to
Regardless, of all that happened i and my Boss maneged to smurgoed
out some huge amount of money 
($30.500,000.00 US DOLLARS) Besides, we decided to send this money to a
security company  
some where in enurope which will be later, where an easy transfer will be made into a
foreign account and to avoid 
(ECOWAS. I struggly believe you will render a helping hand as 30% for
you ,5% for the company,5% for the 
transactions and 60% for us.Therefore, such information will be
required: Such as your bank address and 
account number where this fund will be remitted into,your personal and private 
telephone number
,fax and your company name 
(if any) and address.Furthermore,this transanctions require fourteen
(14) working days.I 
would want to assure you that all hands are on desk towards a
successfull transactions. Look forward to hearing from you soon. Best

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