I am a bonfide citizen of the federal republic of Liberia and also the
first son of the late vice president  ( comrage) ENOCH DOGOLEA, who was
murdered in president Charles  Taylor`s farm ,When president Charles Taylor
went to deleberate on the issue of peace talk with the Africa Union
Organisation in Ghana , May his gentle soul rest in peace .  His dead body
was flight to Abidjan the capital city of Ivory Coast and this was the reason 
why we believe that, it was a part of the concealment plot by president
Taylor because he told the authority of Liberia  that my father  was not dead 
but he was in a state of comma and he was flight to  Abibjan to be taking to 
Paris for further treatment. A day after, President Taylor finally announce
that my father  was dead after taking a cup of coffee in president Taylor`s  
farm. His death became a complicated issue characterise by chaos and
disharmony, because he was very loyal to President Taylor. Despite the long
ties, the relationship between Taylor and my late father was only smooth on
the surface but rotten under neat.  Some of my late father family?s and
friends who were innocent and were  believed by Taylor ot have a connection
in my father?s death were buried alive in gbarnga of bong county in Liberia
by president Taylor men for the president  not to be suspected.

 Due to the fact that my late father was the next person to President
Taylor, The rebels and some greate eminent politicians in Liberia are hunting 
for my life to be killed but I was smongo out of the country by men still
loyal to my late father. I am safely away from all this trouble; one of the
EUROPEANS countries has offered me refuge.  However all is not well, as
president Taylor has virtually frozen some of my father entire known asset.  
Base on this condition, It is not wise or advisable for me personally to
leave my father foreign fund under my family name. Hence, I make this
proposal to you to graciously assist me, take custody of Twenty-five million 
United states Dollars(u$25,000,000.00)into your foreign account so that you
can  as well front for me for any business you think that will be profitable.

 This sum of US$25M has been secretly deposited into a reputable Financial
security company in Johannesburg , south Africa to be carry to Europe as a
consignment to avoid much accumulated demurrage in the security company
where it can easily be withdrawn and paid to a recommended beneficiary. This 
fund will be released to you by the security company based on my
recommendations, on that note, you will be presented as my family business
partner who will be fronting for me and my family in any business venture.

  To show my preparedness and appreciation to conduct this business with
you, I shall give you 25% of the total funds and 20% commission on all
proceeds realize from the investment of this fund in the case partnership .
Also 5% is to be set aside for any eventual cost that may occur in the
process of this transaction .Please, I need your full support and
co-operation for the success of this business transaction . I plead with you 
to treat as urgent issue, which demands a great degree of secrecy.

   I will appreciate if you can give me your assurance, trusting and
guarantee that my fund will be safe and secured. Please for the sake of
confidentiality, reach me on my email address:
( [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) . Please, let me know if this proposal is
acceptable by you. And kindly reach me immediately with the above stated
contact email address, and you are free to forward me your telephone and fax 
number so that better clearifications relating to the transaction will be
explained to you.
Truly Yours,
Mr. Dogolea Tom.  

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