To: President/Ceo 
From:Mathias Kobi Kabila
Satellite Phone:882 1651 174077(Private & Direct) 
Johannesburg,South Africa


Dear Sir

In appreciation of your esteemed contact received through a reliable source and the 
choice of your country I wish to introduce myself, I am Mathias kobi Kabila 
the son of the late Democratic Republic of Congo President Laurent Desire Kabila of 
the blessed memory. I know this letter might come to you as a surprise but
 I honestly do not intend to surprise you. I write this letter in respect of my 
intention to invest the sum of US$28M(Twenty Eight Million United State Dollars) with 
I inherited this money from my mother. This money was got through the smuggling and 
sale of Diamond and Timber when my father was the head of state. 
My mother though not her legal wife used her privilege position to engage in the 
business of Diamond and Timber since she knows that her survival will depend on 
how much she can get out of the privilege situation. When my father was assassinated 
on 16TH Jan. 01 by one of his bodyguards Lt.Rashidi Kasereke through the 
conspiracy of some top army officers that wanted to topple him I escaped to South 
Africa because of the fear that I might be arrested by my half brother 
Lt. General Joseph Kabila the present head of state.  Actually his mother and my 
mother are not in the best of relationship because of who among them will be the
first lady tussle and this ultimately affected us their children.

Considering the relationship between South Africa and the Democratic Republic of Congo 
new government, my mother advised me to leave For South Africa for security 
reason, while the funds were deposited with a security Company in Madrid Spain. 

On getting to South Africa where I have been living since then as a political refugee 
I am seeking for a reliable foreigner who can assist me in
moving this money out for safe banking and profitable investment. Honestly I contacted 
you because I don't want to invest this money in South Africa due
to my status here as a political Refugee. And moreover I wouldn't want to take risk 
because this money is all that I and my Mother is depending on
because My half brother has seized all my father's assets and money and left I and my 
mother empty handed without knowing about this funds deposited at the 
Security Company in Madrid Spain so that is why I decided that investing this money 
abroad should be the best investment for me. I will be honored if I can be given 
the privilege of investing this money with your help.

In view of this plight, I expect you to be trustworthy and kind enough to respond to 
this distress call to save my mother and I from a hopeless
future. And if you agree, I hereby agree to compensate your sincere and candid effort 
in this regard with 20% of the total money and annual 5% of
the after tax returns on investment for the first three years. Thereafter, the term 
shall be varied. 5% for expenses, which may arise during the
transaction, fax and phone bills inclusive.$28million US Dollars. when the money 
($28million) is moved into your discrete account, you will be allowed
to draw 20% your favor, while the remaining 70% will be invested meaningfully for our 
future if possible in your area of business and
deterrents sectors of the Economy in your country which are dividends yielding.

Whatever your decision is please reach me immediately through my private phone or 
Email, and keep this letter tight secret for the interest of my

Best Regards,

Mathias Kobi Kabila

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