    I know this proposal letter may come to you as a surprise considering the fact 
that we have not had any formal acquaintance before .but all the same I would
want you for the sake of God to give this an immediate attention in view of the fact 
that the security of our live and possession is at stake .
I am Mr Williams  a 22 years old from SIERRA LEONE but presently domiciled in 
Netherland  with my sister JANET who is 18 years old .My father Mr Odibo who before 
his untimely assassination by the rebels was the Director of SIERRA LEONE Diamond 
corporation (SLDC) .He was killed in our government residential house along side two 
of my other brothers ,two house maids and one government attached security guard 
fortunately for I, younger
sister and mother ,we were on a week end visit to our home town As we got the news of 
the tragedy .We immediately managed to ran to Netherland.will I nuder political 
assylum now.
But unfortunately .As Fate would have it ,we lost our dear mother (may soul rest in 
peace) as a result of what the Doctor called cardiac arrest .

As we were coming into this country ,we had some documents of a deposit of $ 11 700 
USD (eleven million seven hundred thousand USD ) made by my late
father in a security and trust company .According to my father, he intended to use 
this fund for his international business transaction after his tenure in office but 
was unfortunately murdered .We had located the security company where the money is 
deposited with the help of an attorney and established ownership .please right now 
,with the bitter experiences we had in our country and the war still going on 
especially in diamond area which incidentally is where we hail from .coupled with the 
incessant political upheavals and hostilities in this country, we desire seriously to 
leave here and live where will can investy our money into busines. We therefore wish, 
you can help us in the following regards :

1) To provide us with a good bank account to transfer the money into
2)  To help us invest the money into a lucrative business .
3)  To assist my sister Janet get a college admission to further her education.

Please I know that , this letter may sound strange and incredible to you but the CNN 
and the BBC African bulletin  normally have it as their major news features .Therefore 
for the sake of God and humanity give an immediate positive consideration and reply to 
me via our e-mail address. I will willingly agree to
any suitable percentage of the money you will propose as your compensation for your 
assistance with regards to the above .please in view of our sensitive refugee
status and as we are still conscious of our father 's enemies .I would like you to 
give this a highly confidential approach .

Best Regards .
Odibo Williams.


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