Jacobson Resonance Enterprises, Inc. (OTCBB:JRSE) Near Term Price Projection: $.22
APPROX. FLOAT: 50 million
Near Term Price Proj.: $.22

A Few Reasons To Own JRSE
  1. JRSE'S Family Of Resonators Offers Open Door To MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR MARKETS.
  2. JRSE Is Forecasting Upwards Of $650,000 In Revenues For 2004.
  3. JRSE Is Forecasting An Increase In Revenues To OVER $6 Million Dollars For Fiscal 2005.
  4. JRSE Is Seeking Clearance From The FDA To Utilize JACOBSON RESONATORS For Relaxation Purposes Is Looking To Eventually Take An Estimated 3% Of The Leisure/SPA Arena.
  5. JRSE Is Looking To Penetrate 3% TO 5% OF THE $300+ Billion Dollar Worldwide Chronic Pain Market Segment Within Ten Years.
  6. JRSE Commits To Achieve 3% To 5% Of The $11+Billion Dollar VETERINARY MEDICINE MARKET Space Within Ten Years.
  7. JRSE's Licensee in Canada Has Received Regulatory Clearance for the Reduction of Pain Associated with Arthritic Conditions.
  8. JRSE's Licensee in Europe Has Received European CE-Mark Approval for the Treatment of Pain Associated with Arthrosis of the Knee.

Great News! Welcome to the Bahamas Man, well not exactly, but as you all know WE DO NOT RECOMMEND STOCKS.

In this case we feel compelled to make a RECOMMENDATION, for those of you who have been to the Bahamas before or are planning to go sometime soon, WE RECOMMEND TRYING THE "CONCH SALAD", clearly, in our opinion, the Best in the World.

Seriously Speaking, this New PR from JRSE appears to us to be rather lengthy and informative. (Read Below)

If you read the PR carefully, you will notice that JRSE has raised their Revenue Guidance for 2005 by about 50%.

It appears to us that JRSE is on a Mission to Heal the World, and on their path JRSE hopes to make some Money at it too.

As Best Quoted by JRSE'S CEO:

"The founding of this company represented the open door to research and practical application of my life's work for the betterment of humanity. The expansion of operations to the Bahamas represents the actual progression to clinical research opportunities as broad and encompassing as my dreams, and with this the advantage of penetration to commercial markets allowing access to those suffering the human condition, as well as the enhancement of shareholder value. To all those who believed in the promise of our technology, I promise to dedicate my energies towards the development of the science and technology to fully realize and fulfill our mutual aspirations."

And the PR Continues with:

And the PR Continues with:

**Our goal at JRSE is to penetrate 3% to 5 % of this $300+ billion chronic pain market segment within ten years.

So, Keep Watching JRSE Cure the World of Pain, and stay tuned for possibly more PR, as we have probably not heard the last from JRSE.

As always, Watch This Stock Trade.


Jacobson Resonance Enterprises, Inc. Announces Opening of Bahamian Joint Venture This December That Taps Into Multi-Billion Dollar Market Space

BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, 10, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) - Harvey Grossman, President and Chief Strategic Officer of Jacobson Resonance Enterprises, Inc. (OTC BB: JRSE-OB - News) announces today an exciting new joint venture with The CSB5 Management Company, Limited, in New Providence, Nassau, Bahamas that we believe will tap into a $300 Billion+ worldwide market space in pain management and the leisure/spa arena. This joint venture, "Magnetic Resonance Therapy, Bahamas, Limited" is scheduled to open this December. These projections are based on our rebuilt management team's current analysis of market trends. The projections flow from our newly identified target markets, reasonable time lines for execution, and a growing scientific and technology base. We believe that our business model for 2004 and 2005 is important as this acts as a launch pad for subsequent success.

The principles in this venture include Dr. Conville Brown and Dr. Corrine Sin Quee, located on the campus of the new Bahamas Heart Center Expansion, the Centereville Medical Pavilion. Preliminary plans have been outlined for a second center to be located in Freeport, Grand Bahama. The Nassau collaboration enables JRSE to treat patients as an adjunct therapy in a world-class, state-of-the-art, integrated medical center. This medical center is comprised of a Comprehensive Cardiac Center, including the Bahamas Heart Center, a Comprehensive Cancer Center, including Radiation Therapy Services Bahamas, Ltd., Medical Oncology Associates, and the Chemotherapy Center (operated by staff from The Detroit Medical Center), our joint venture, Magnetic Resonance Therapy, Bahamas, Limited and other adjunct and complimentary modalities such as acupuncture, hyper-baric treatments, nutritional counseling, and more.

JRES's commercial focus will begin in the pain management area and the leisure/spa arena that broadly includes relaxation and rejuvenation. Patients and clients will be drawn from the local population, tourists visiting Nassau from around the world, the Caribbean Basin and the United States and Canada. In Nassau, we will be able to treat and work towards mitigating the effects of a wide range of ailments, syndromes, diseases and disorders. Various case-controlled and double blind clinical studies are being planned.

The Company plans call for additional clinical treatment centers throughout the Caribbean Basin and in leisure settings in hotels, resorts, spas, cruise ships and more.

Quoting Dr. Jerry I. Jacobson, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Science and Technology Officer of JRSE; "The founding of this company represented the open door to research and practical application of my life's work for the betterment of humanity. The expansion of operations to the Bahamas represents the actual progression to clinical research opportunities as broad and encompassing as my dreams, and with this the advantage of penetration to commercial markets allowing access to those suffering the human condition, as well as the enhancement of shareholder value. To all those who believed in the promise of our technology, I promise to dedicate my energies towards the development of the science and technology to fully realize and fulfill our mutual aspirations."

Breakout Of Worldwide Commercial Initiatives

The foundation for our projected commercial success in the first couple of years would be based on worldwide initiatives (except in the USA) in pain management and the leisure/spa relaxation and rejuvenation arenas. In the Bahamas both arenas are open to our patented technologies.

JRSE Revenue Projections For The Bahamas Joint Venture In US Dollars For 2004 - 2008

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
*Bahamas Joint Venture/ Treatment Centers 235,378 3,432,000 4,290,000 5,148,000 6,177,600

Illustration - Chronic pain has been said to be the most costly health problem in America according to, the American Pain Foundation, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke and the Bureau of National Affairs. Approximately seventy (70) million Americans suffer from chronic pain from all causes. It costs America about $100 billion annually. These annual costs include forty (40) million doctor visits and five hundred and fifteen (515) million lost workdays. The statistical percentages for chronic pain sufferers in the European Union and associated nations (23 nations with 600,000,000 people) match the USA. Therefore, in Europe we estimate that approximately 152,000,000 people suffer from chronic pain at an annual cost of about $218 billion.

**Our goal at JRSE is to penetrate 3% to 5 % of this $300+ billion chronic pain market segment within ten years.

Illustration - The Leisure/Spa Industry provides an interesting and lucrative opportunity on a global basis (except in the USA) for Jacobson Resonance technologies. A good deal of the services provided at leisure resorts, hotels, spas and cruise ships deal with relaxation and rejuvenation. According to the American Massage Therapy Association a total of 18% of the adult population in 2002 had a massage. Among people who had experienced severe back, neck or shoulder pain, the rate of massage therapy increased from 14.6% in 1996 to 19.4% in 1999. Among Fortune 200 companies, 14% offer massage as part of their employee benefit program. In the USA alone there are about 275,000 massage therapists who generate about $5 billion in revenues annually. In Europe medical and rejuvenation spas dot the landscape and are often visited as part of vacation time. We estimate that massage therapy alone in Europe generates about $10 billion in revenues. JRSE has submitted a 513(g) application for the non-medical application of our technology for "Non-Invasive Resonator System For Relaxation."

Throughout the world, using our patented Magnetic Resonance Therapy (MRT) in Institutional Review Board approved clinical research projects, and more particularly in clinical settings in Europe and Canada, thousands of people have reported profound and long-lasting relief from pain whatever the cause. Many clients reported quality of life restored. Along with profound pain relief, the overwhelming majority of research subjects and clinical clients report a deep sense of relaxation, and as days passed, many felt rejuvenated. This relaxation market is open to JRSE throughout the world in the Spa/Leisure industry including the Caribbean, most likely in Europe and Canada and on the high seas. Upon FDA clearance in the USA, certain segments of this relaxation arena may be available to apply our breakthrough technology.

**Once again, the goal at JRSE is to penetrate 3% to 5% of this $15 billion (minimum, massage only as an example) relaxation and rejuvenation segment within ten years.

JRSE is an emerging worldwide leader in magnetic resonance technology, whose main focus is the eradication of human suffering. The Company's technology base has the potential for multiple industry applications including the fields of medicine, spa and leisure arena, food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, energy and the environment.

*Although we believe that our treatment center(s) in the Bahamas will become a destination for patients from all around the world seeking therapies to be offered, there is no assurance that our revenue projections will be fully realized. We also are, to some extent subject to the performance of our partner, the operator of the clinic of which our treatment center is a part.

**Although we have set what we believe is a responsible goal there is no assurance that we will achieve this anticipated market penetration. We recognize that there is competition in this marketplace, and that to achieve our goal, we will need to establish significant revenue streams to avoid the need for additional funding, as well as FDA, EU and Health Canada clearances for certain applications of our resonator technology.

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The matters covered by such forward-looking statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to differ materially from those contemplated or implied by such forward-looking statements. Included in these risks and other factors are funding availability, competition from better-funded companies and required regulatory clearances.

SOURCE: Jacobson Resonance Enterprises, Inc.


In our opinion, nothing can be more exiting than a Biotech or Bio-Medical Company. Biotech Company's by definition are R&D Company's trying to find cures for various human diseases.

Biotech Company's start off in stages, first identifying a disease, the market for it and developing the cure. These companies once they have gained an FDA approval for their product generally team with Larger Distribution Company's to market their products. Whenever these small Biotech Company's gain an FDA approval for their product, the stock, if publicly traded generally ROCKETS in price.

In the case of JRSE, what we have here is company that has just about been left for dead by Wall Street, in our opinion, Under Followed and Overlooked.

In fact, according to a recent JRSE PR, as Quoted by JRSE's President "We believe that our business model for 2004 and 2005 is important and acts as a launching pad for subsequent success.

Once revenues begin, JRSE is projecting 2005 revenues to approximate Greater Than $6 Million Dollars.

According to Multex, for those Biotech Company's that generate revenues and earnings on a price to sales ratio and price earnings ratio, Biotech's trade in the market at 10.43 times sales and 42.28 times earnings.

As stated earlier JRSE is Projecting $6 Million Dollars in Revenue for Fiscal Year 2005. If over the Near-Term, JRSE were to meet their Recent Guidance, and was Valued at a 50% Discount to its Peers, then applying the Price to Sales (TTM) multiple of 5.22 times (10.43 times 50%), would equate to a market cap of $31.32 Million Dollars.

Thus, when applying the comparative group's price to sales multiples to JRSE we can arrive at a relative valuation of $0.22 Per Share over the Near-Term.

Don't Laugh at a Potential $31 Million Dollar Valuation, do a little Due Diligence as we have and you will find many Biotech Company's Being Valued Significantly By the Market.

Take a look at AGEN, trades on the Nasdaq National Market, never made money, TTM Revenues $3.4 Million and a $400 Million Dollar Market Cap or take a Look at LORFF, trades on the OTCBB, No Revenues and a $127 Million Dollar Market Cap. So Go Figure!

One never knows, JRSE could be one of Wall Streets best kept secrets, but maybe the cat is now coming out of the bag and the timing of this new Investor Awareness Campaign could be good timing in regards to new PR forthcoming to maybe Rocket the stock or maybe it is just another Investor Awareness Campaign.

One never knows, but keep a watchful eye on JRSE near term and as always Watch This Stock Trade.


As We Have Said On Other Occasions:

With JRSE Trading Today for Pennies on the Dollar, One Way to Look at JRSE is as a Perpetual Call Option on the Future Success of the Company. In our Opinion, the risk in Owning JRSE is no Greater Than Owning an Out of the Money Six Month Call Option on Intel, Cisco, or Microsoft. You may lose all or some of your money or you Could Make a Killing.


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The purpose of this advertisement is to provide publicity for the advertised company, its products or services. This advertisement is not a solicitation or recommendation to buy, sell or hold securities and does not provide an analysis of the financial position of the company. StockTalk Central, and affiliates (STC), publishes reports providing information on selected companies that STC believes has investment potential. STC is not a registered investment advisor or broker-dealer. This report is provided as an information service only, and the statements and opinions in this report should not be construed as an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any security. The above report is the opinion of STC and is not a guarantee that the target price for the stock will be met or that predicted business results for the company will occur. STC accepts no liability for any loss arising from an investor's reliance on or use of this report. An investment in JRSE is considered to be highly speculative and should not be considered unless a person can afford a complete loss of investment. An affiliate of STC has been hired by the company for the publication and circulation of this report, and received four million free trading shares of common stock of JRSE by a third party non-affiliate (Inv Mgmt) and STC and affiliates have no relationship to the third party. STC intends to sell all or a portion of the JRSE stock at or about the time of publication of this report. Subsequently STC may buy or sell shares of JRSE stock in the open market. Since an affiliate of STC has been compensated there is an inherent conflict of interest. This report contains forward-looking statements, which involve risks, and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from those set forth in the forward-looking statements. For further details concerning these risks and uncertainties, see the SEC filings of JRSE including the company's most recent annual and quarterly reports.

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