Dear Partner,


I am Mrs. Jane Matshe of Zimbabwe, the wife to late minority right wing activist/environmentalist and leader of the movement for the survival of white farmers in Zimbabwe. My husband Mr. Ben Matshe was killed during the on going war against white farmers in Zimbabwe.


It was the desire of our president Mr. Robert Mugabe to claim all the land owned by white farmers and redistribute them to his party members and his followers. Our president ordered all white farmers to surrender all their farms to his party members and followers. White farmers who refused to do this were either sent out of the country or out rightly killed.


My Husband was one of the biggest farmers in our country and because he did not support president ideas, president Mugabe's supporters invaded my husband's farms and burnt down everything in the farm, killed my husband, made away with a lot of items, and seized his properties. All along is farming business, he has been able to save a substaintial amount of money outside the country knowing that one day the Prisedent Mugabe supporter might be after him.


The deposited fund he made for safe keeping with a  security & finance company in Europe in a treasure box which was not decleared cash but precious juwelries on my name as stated in his WILL presented by our family attorney  was estimated US$12.5million,(Twelve million five hundred thousand United States dollars)Only.

Due to the hostilities, harassment and arrest being visited on my family by the government of president Robert Mugabe and his agents, I am therefore asking for your kind understanding and assistance in taking care of our fund with the Security Company since our government has made it very unbearable for us to survive here and we are still in hide out in one of the African countries yet to be disclose to you in due course on trust. 

The fund as instructed by my husband in his WILL shall be invested into meaningful and profitable investments in your country. It has been resolved by me and our family attorney that the fund shall be disbursed as follows:

5% for all local and international expenses incurred by both parties in the transfer process.


15% for you as compensation for your effort and other assistance you may give
in the process of securing the fund.


80% for my family, which shall be released to me as soon as i arrive your
country with my children after the money has been remitted into your bank


However, the requirement for the claim and remittance of this fund from the security company to your chosen account will be detailed to you on your response to my request for your assistance.


As a young widow, with three three children to look after, you will need to give me sufficient assurance and gurantee that you will not sit on the fund when it is finally changed to your name and credited to your account.


I am sincerely optimistic that you will not betray the trust and confidence which I have made up my mind to work with you on agreement and understanding considering the circumstnces in which my husband was brutally killed living me with children to take care off.


Please  kindly reply me in this sending email address or via my alternative email address below;


I sincerely await your earliest reply .


Thanks and God bless you as you help us.


Best regard,

Mrs. Jane Matshe.

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