Title: The powerful, effective and intelligent anti-spam tool.
Spam Exterminator Pro   (3.43Mb)


Automatically Blocking Spam tool.
Automatically identifies and removes junk email.

  • Save time, reduce annoyance.
    Spam Exterminator built-in scanning tools spare you from having to download and manually delete loads of unwanted, dangerous, or offensive email.
  • Stop spam from day one
    Spam Exterminator's sophisticated, "fuzzy logic" mail scanner starts blocking spam immediately. There's no need to create hundreds of rules before you can stop the spam!
  • Keep your inbox clean.
    With Spam Exterminator, bad mail is quarantined from your mail program, avoiding inbox clutter and the spread of harmful files. And it's easy to preview quarantined mail before deciding how to act.
  • Be sure you get high-priority mail.
    Most antispam products have an "itchy trigger finger," deleting mail when only one word trips its rules. Spam Exterminator judges the entire message - source, header, and body - before taking action.
  • Block known spammers fast.
    Specify suspect words, addresses, or subject lines for automatic blocking.
  • Let friends right through.
    Designate senders who are never blocked -- your customers, coworkers, friends, or approved mailing lists. You can even import your Outlook address book!

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