Union Bank Plc

I am the Manager Bill and Exchange of the Foreign
Operations Department Union Bank Plc Lagos Nigeria. I
am writing in respect of a foreign customer of my bank
with account number: 142552004/wb/t who died in
1997 in a plane crash.

Since we got the information about his death, we have
been expecting his next of kin to come over and claim
his money because we cannot release unless somebody
applies for it as the next of Kin or relation to the
sed as indicated in our banking guidelines. And
since no one has come forward to claim the fund for
years now, we discovered/realized that that the fund (US$12.8m) the
account no: 142552004/wb/t has been abandoned. As the deceased is
from your
ountry it will enable us proceed the release of the money
to you. It is therefore upon this discover y that I and two other
senior officials in the department now decided to make business with
you and release the money to you as the Next of Kin or
relation of
the deceased for safety keeping and subsequent disbursement since
nobody is coming for it and we do not want this money to go back into
the Federal Government Account as Unclaimed Bill.

This is because the banking Law and Guidelin
s here
stipulated that if such money remains unclaimed after
five years the money would be transferred into the
Banking Treasury as unclaimed fund.

It is in view of this, I got your contact through the
foreign trade mission after I was conv
nced in my mind
that you/your name could be used as the next of kin to
the deceased. The request of a foreigner as Next of
Kin in this business is occasioned by the fact that
the customer is a foreigner and a Nigeria cannot stand
as a Next of
Kin to a foreigner. I agreed that US$4.5M
of this mon ey/fund will be for you for your
involvement, Three Hundred Thousand Dollars will be
donated to charity while the rest will be for me and
my partners. So upon the conclusion of this
ion and your receipt of this fund, I and two
other of my colleagues will visit your country for the

Therefore, to enable the immediate transfer/release of
the fund to you as arranged, you must apply first to
the Bank as a rela
ion or Next of Kin of the deceased.

Upon receipt of your reply I will send to you by fax
Text of the Application and the next steps to take. I
will also not fail to bring to your notice that this
business is hitch free and that you should not

entertain any fear as the whole required arrangement
as been made for the transfer/release of the fund to
you. Note: This transaction is confidential/risks
free. As soon as you receive this email, you should
contact me at once through the abo
e stated
email address.
Thanks, trusting to hear from you immediately,

Yours Sincerely,


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