At 12:59 PM 11/19/03 -0800, Steve Schear wrote:
>If and when this is accomplished the source could then be used, if it
>already, for PC-PC secure communications.

They claim to be releasing code for PCs for free.

A practical replacement for
>SpeakFreely may be at hand.  The limitation of either direct phone or
>connection requirement is a problem though.

Since they use GSM *data* services, and since quality affects *delay* in
setup, they may be hindered by users acceptance.  However, it might also

be a reminder to the users of why they payed the kiloEuros.

Read their FAQ. They have total clue.  No one should think less of them
for trying to make a Euro at first, paid by users well able to pay the
endure the problems, and Metcalfe's law inconveniences.
That's techonomics -CD players cost a kilobuck at first, and not every
content was available.

An RPG a day keeps the invaders away.

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