The PriceJester Vol. III Issue 326

Have you noticed your computer is running slower than ever?

The reason for that may have to do with online advertisers
adding SpyWare or AdWare to your computer without your knowledge.

"Spyware" is a common term for files that are installed on
your system without your knowledge that allow companies to
monitor your Internet activity.

"AdWare" is software that will show you popup ads
over and over. What they don't tell you, however,
is how these files can be extremely dangerous to
your PC and could cause major problems with your PC.

Consumer Identity 3.2 removes Spyware and Adware that
threaten your privacy. If you have downloaded music or
videos from the internet, there is a 98.7% chance your
computer is infected with Spyware or Adware.


Spyware and Adware installed on your PC record and report
all of your online activity, including your Credit Card numbers!
Our product, Consumer Identity will detect and remove this new threat.

If you are experiencing too many Pop Up windows, or perhaps your
browser homepage has changed, your computer is infected with
Spyware or Adware. Virus software will not remove Spyware and Adware,
because it does not register as a virus.

We are offering every computer owner, including yourself,
the opportunity to scan your computer to see how many
"SpyWare" infections your PC has free of charge.

Thank you for your time, and we hope that we have been of some help.

Consumer Identity



Cancel your subscription here:
http://lc.offersjust4you.com/central/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Requests may take up to 72 hours to process. As a result,
you may receive additional e-mail during this time.


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