Tim May [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>On Nov 25, 2003, at 9:56 AM, Sunder wrote:
>> Um, last I checked, phone cameras have really shitty resolution,  
>> usually
>> less than 320x200.  Even so, you'd need MUCH higher resolution, say
>> 3-5Mpixels to be able to read text on a printout in a picture.
>> Add focus and aiming issues, and this just won't work unless you carry  
>> a
>> good camera into the booth with you.

>1. Vinnie the Votebuyer knows the _layout_ of the ballot. He only needs  
>to see that the correct box is punched/marked. Or that the screen  
>version has been checked.

I realize you big city types (yes, Tim, Corralitos is big compared to my
little burg) have full scale voting booths with curtains (I used the big
mechanical machines when I lived in Manhatten), but out here in the sticks,
the 'voting booth' is a little standing desk affair with 18 inch privacy 
shields on 3 sides. If someone tried to take a photo of their ballot in one
of those it would be instantly obvious. 

All I want is a system which is not more easily screwed around with then
paper ballots. Have some imagination - you could, for example, set things
up so the voter, and only the voter, can see the screen and/or paper receipt
while voting, but still make it impossible to use a camera without being


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