On Mon, Dec 08, 2003 at 08:31:07AM -0800, Major Variola (ret) wrote:
> The advantage of eg Yahoo groups (and presumably blogs)
> is their moderation; the lack thereof enabled spammers to
> bulldoze the commons of usenet.   Inevitable.  

I've been hearing about blog-spamming lately, and I've
seen spammers attack web boards as well.
Spammers are also using worms to get control of victim's
machines and sending their spam from there.

> >Kids these days don't know how to use shell shortcuts either.
> Not sure what you mean by that.  "Shortcut" is a M$ term
> for lame-ass sym link.

Sorry, I was in a hurry.
History substition is what I meant...  i.e.

% ericm >  mkdir /home/cpun
% ericm > ^pun^punk
% ericm > cd !$

or any of the hundreds of other history substitution commands.
No one I work with knows any of them; they all either laboriously re-type
or use the command-line editor even when it requires many more keystrokes.
I try to restrain myself from barking out "bang dollar!  bang dollar dammit!"
but sometimes I can't help it.


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