On Dec 9, 2003, at 4:57 PM, Eric Murray wrote:

On Tue, Dec 09, 2003 at 03:05:29PM -0800, Tim May wrote:

Since Eric Murray has expressed distaste with my views

I pretty much agree with your views, minus the racism and misogny. On days that the brilliant thoughtful Tim posts, I'm in awe. When Tim the asshole posts, I'm disgusted. Unfortunately these days the latter Tim isn't letting the former Tim near the keyboard very often.

Fuck you dead. Fuck all of you Bolshies dead.

Ok, bye! <plonk>

Eric (just to make it crystal clear, Tim's going in my _personal_ killfile)

I hope he killfiles me in his lne.com files, as I am fed up with these Bolshies, fellow travellers, censors, and "why haven't you done more for the Cause!" whiners.

--Tim May

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