On Wed, Dec 10, 2003 at 02:07:33PM -0800, James A. Donald wrote:
>     --
> On 10 Dec 2003 at 18:22, Anatoly Vorobey wrote:
> > alt.anonymous.messages has a healthy amount of traffic.
> > Google Groups says they have a bit more than 200 messages in
> > it on December 9, for example. I assume nearly all of it is
> > from remailers posting to Usenet (or remailers sending mail
> > to mail2news gateways), otherwise there's little point of
> > using it.
> You do not need to use remailers to take advantage of
> alt.anonymous.messages.  If someone posts directly to
> alt.anonymous. messages, still the adversary cannot tell who he
> is posting to.  (Assuming his recipient sets his newsagent to
> always download all new messages) 

Oh, that's true of course; but the adversary would be able to know
that you posted something (given that he's monitoring your traffic). 
That's already something, and frequently more than you'd want to
give away. 

I did inspect a few random messages and they all came from remailers.


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