"If I don't remember incorrectly, they said something about identifying him
by DNA testing."

Well, of course "Saddam" is going to test positive...he's apparently an actual CLONE.
Actually, from what I understand this is the 'original' Saddam (note how much older he seems than the Saddams we've been seeing in the press over the last few years), but he hasn't actually controlled things for a couple of decades. The Saddam we're really looking for is approximately Saddam #3, and he's still at large, and directing the insurgency.


From: Thomas Shaddack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Tyler Durden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Don't worry...it's just one of Saddam's doubles
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2003 03:33:53 +0100 (CET)

On Sun, 14 Dec 2003, Tyler Durden wrote:

> Spread the word. The adminstration got desparate. In a few weeks they'll
> announce this isn't the real Saddam, but that rounding up all of the clones
> is necessary progress in the fight to get the real Saddam.

If I don't remember incorrectly, they said something about identifying him
by DNA testing. But it wasn't widely quoted in the mainstream news. So
even if it really is him - they may still claim he isn't the real McCoy if
the insurgency won't stop.

The timing is definitely weird. Too soon before the Elections.

But there is still the backup, the Lost TV Star, also known as Ossama;
whether They intend to announce capturing him, or whether he will be
claimed responsible for Something Scary in a psyops attempt to make the
voters more susceptible to the beat of the Homeland Security drums.

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