On 19 Dec 2003 at 22:23, Anonymous wrote:
> Re saddam et all... 
> http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/EL19Ak01.html
> The war of words over Saddam & Bush is quite amusing. The
> blind faith in ones govt structure and the willingness to
> support force that is in such extreme measure overpowering
> and statist such as the dropping of tons of depleted uranium
> high explosives shows that some on this list have not
> broadened their news reading beyond fox news.

I am anti war.  You lot are pro Saddam.

Back in the sixties, there were lots of good reasons to oppose
the Vietnam war, notably that it was fought by conscription,
and that McNamara's search for measures of war fighting
efficiency and to create incentives for efficient production of
war effort were demoralizing the troops, and instead of
creating incentives to fight effectively, created perverse
incentives to commit mass murder in place of killing the enemy.

But instead the opponents wound up chanting 'ho, ho, ho Chi
Minh" Ho Chi Minh was a senior KGB agent, who after spending
ten years behind a desk in Moscow organizing the murder of
Indochinese nationalists was sent from Moscow to rule what
became North Vietnam.  He purged 85% of the communist party,
murdering a large but unknown proportion of them, and conducted
a terror against the peasants of extraordinary savagery.

And now the guys on this list are weeping big salt tears about
poor victimized Saddam.

Anyone who opposed the war on Vietnam should have started off
by asking "How shall we contain the Soviet Union and eventually
defeat communism, and what is wrong with the way this
administration is doing it.

Similarly anyone who opposes the war in Iraq should start by
visualizing himself as the heir of  King John Sobieski, not the
heir of Saladin.  Anyone opposing the war in Iraq needs oppose
it from the point of view that Americans and their way of life
should win, deserve to win, and the raghead fanatics should
lose, and their way of life perish.

Anyone who wants to argue that the guys in the two towers had
it coming, and poor Saddam is a victim, puts himself in the
corner with the people who are stupid, evil, and losers. 

         James A. Donald

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