On Dec 23, 2003, at 3:07 PM, Jamie Lawrence wrote:

On Mon, 22 Dec 2003, James A. Donald wrote:

James A. Donald;
You have just told us that poor little Saddam is a victim.

Incorrect. I said no such thing, and you're being a twit by attempting to credit me with such statements. Your repeated attempts to impute opinions to others that they don't actually hold, really, is pathetic and boring.

Chomsky lies. You repeat the sentiments of Chomsky and thus you are support Chomsky and are thus a liar and a supporter of the KGB High Command and a lap dog of the running dogs of the Kremlin.

As it stands, you seem only capable of attempting to impute motives to others that you imagine they might hold, based on wildy improbable chains of cause and effect in philosophical arguments and obscure cause and effect based on international relations in the '60s, bundled together with some sort of New American Century twine about how if we don't kill all the "ragheads" (your words, not mine), we'll be enslaved or worse.

You obviously endorse the views of George McGovern and other pinko(e)s who wish to pervert our precious bodily fluids.

As far as your babbling and frothing about how I and many others must be
Saddam supporters, you're just not making any sense, intentionally
ignoring what people say, and just generally acting like a fool. If you
want to do something other than bat at strawmen and denounce the commies
you keep seeing in your bedsheets, then please, begin to do so. Otherwise...
Tim nailed it: you're just a statist who found a new god.

Chomsky lies. and you are obviously a sock puppet for the Trilateralist Bilderbergers.

--Tim May, who has noticed for a long time that the cadence and even the phrasing that James Donald uses is remarkably like the cadence of those who used to talk about "the running dogs of capitalism." But he uses replacement phrases like "sock puppets of the KGB" instead. Which I guess shows that his indoctrination ran deep, though he is now ostensibly infiltrating the libertarian fringe.

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