"As long as truth is no defense against "hate speech," and "hate speech" includes
things which clearly don't involve anyone hating anyone else, "hate speech" is simply
a code phrase for suppressing free expression."

At worst. At best it's going to boil down to some local enforcement shitheel taking it upon himself to be the arbiter of issues he'll have no ability to comprehend.


From: Eric Cordian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Singers jailed for lyrics
Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2003 16:51:38 -0800 (PST)

Michael writes:

> Being from Germany I would like to detest that statement.

> The German law clearly defines what is hate speech. It is not an easy
> task as you can see in a six month trial.

It is the outcome of the trial which condemns Germany.  THe length of the
trial is an unimportant data point.

THe law clearly defines "hate speech" as the communication of any information which might
tend to cause people to be displeased with a particular religious or ethnic group, whether
or not the information is true.

People in Germany have been jailed under the "hate speech" laws for simply suggesting in
written editorials that the Jewish people might act collectively in their own enlightened

As long as truth is no defense against "hate speech," and "hate speech" includes things
which clearly don't involve anyone hating anyone else, "hnate speech" is simply a code
phrase for suppressing free expression.

> Certain symbols (e.g. Swastika) are forbidden as well. And I would like
> to add that most of these laws were made up by the allies (read US and
> Britain).

Yes, the Allies have done an excellent job of redirecting German jackbooted obnoxiousness
back at the German people. Do you have a point here?

> There is no "ultimate" free speech as the US promises, but let's be
> serious here for a moment: The US is not as free as people like to
> think.

The US isn't free at all. However, most US citizens support freedom to have opinions and
to express them. Germans have to ask their government for permission to think. Most
Germans think this is a good thing, by the way.

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

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