Hrm, apologies for the piss-poor formatting (or so it appears to me) and lack
of subject line in my last post (reproduced below with better formatting
(I hope)). I'm stuck using a webmail interface for the time being and I've not
quite gotten used to it yet.

Wes Hellman

>Tim May wrote:

>>So, I expect that even as I write CIA toxins experts are preparing what will
>>make Saddam go away the quiet way. Look for him to go "of natural causes"
>>before any War Crimes Tribunal can ever actually happen.

>Wouldn't that be completely obvious? If Saddam just happened to die of "natural 
>causes" it seems to me like anyone with half a brain would be able to figure
>out what probably happened. Maybe I'm remembering this incorrectly, but I think
>that when he was captured they said he was healthy. Regardless of whether or not
>that was actually the case, if it is in fact the official position, it seems
>like it would create troubles for a "natural death" scenario.

>What would seem more likely to me is a Jack Ruby-style assassination. US forces
>let Iraqi security escort Saddam from prison to the beginning of his trial, for
>a nice photo-op. Unfortunately, as everyone knows, these Iraqi guards are still
>adjusting and what have you, so oops, somehow a vengeful individual gets
>through and shoots Saddam in front of all the cameras. Sure, we would have
>rather had him tried in a just court, but he /did/ make a lot of enemies over
>the years, and you know how that works...

>Hell, they might not even have to explicitly hire anyone to do it. Just make
>sure security is kind of slack and let word of this slip out, and the problem
>takes care of itself...

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