>On 31 Dec 2003 at 12:45, Tim May wrote:
>> People like Tyler Durden, James Donald, and John Young are
>> using the tired old cliches about how it is "society that
>> paid for business" and hence "society" has some right to take
>> a cut of each transaction between Alice and Bob.

No, Tyler, James and John said none of the alleged cliches.
These are chimeras Tim fantasizes to buttress his demotic
vainglory, bless his shriveled heart, his throbbing headcrimp.

Still, I think Tim is the funniest of cypherpunks, though it takes
a strong stomach, or a cruelty-is-pleasure likemind, to enjoy 
his dry as sand grist. Gypsies, as with welfare cheats, talk
the talk of Tim, imitating those who disparage the outcast,
who refuses to hold a steady job, too smart to fall for the
call to pull your fair share load.

When Tim gets going on his seemingly vile attacks on the
downtrodden it is admirably like the downtrodden I grew up
with: it takes one to know one, and their vulnerabilities, those
of the outcast eager to hammer, ridicule, belly laugh at, those
of similar condemnation by inbred supremacists, themselves
not long out of the ghetto. Nietzsche called this shot as he 
too shot himself futilely professing claims of  superiority.

What can you do when society at large remains indifferent to
your plight except propound your virtues despite those virtues
being named by the dominant society as faults. Calvin spouted
the lament of the excluded, proclaimed the outcasts the chosen,
aping those who armed the peasants against their masters.

Stigma is inescapable until you overthrow the stigmatizers, and 
in turn stigmatize others to maintain your evanescent superiority,
as did your oppressors, and will do again as soon as they whip
your lazy ass grown soft by belief you're impregnable. So goes
the fall of empires, so goes the blinding conceit, crippling addiction, 
of supremacists of any skin hue, of any economic surety.

The yawning grave beckons the folly peddlers of immortality,
of singular salvation from terror of utter cessation.

A joke, human aspiration for higher being. Thus spake

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