[The book is now available in electronic form (.pdf) for download from long time 
cypherpunk and Havenco founder Sean Hastings' web site: 
http://www.seanhastings.com/alowm.pdf  Donations/patronage of $10 to the author, in 
e-gold or DMT, are requested in the book's forward.]

A Lodging of Wayfaring Men
By Anonymous
449 pages
Available from http://www.laissezfairebooks.com for $17.95. Phone order line: 

BOOK REVIEW by Thomas Dorman

This is a brief, favorable review of a novel published anonymously.

Our civilization is bereft of heroes. Ayn Rand pointed out that contemporary heroes in 
western civilization are actors and gladiators. In times gone by we had statesmen, 
philosophers, warriors, inventors, scientists, engineers and doctors. Where have the 
heroes gone? The news, television and educational media have passed them by, have 
erased them from the consciousness of our civilization.

The Renaissance period brought forth the ascendancy of the mind; the intellect of man; 
the rational mind. The philosopher kings (Plato's term) have regrouped, and, through 
dumbing down, diversion, and the feeding of all of humanities' addictions have 
(almost) brought the herd back to the serfdom "it deserves." The novel I am reviewing 
brings the hero back. The philosopher, the physician/inventor, imbued with selfishness 
and the love of humanity combined. In Ayn Rand's novels, the heroes were only selfish. 
"Altruism is the weakness of the downtrodden". This novelist has taken us a step 
further. Through promoting the welfare of all, each of us and our families grow into 
fulfilling the fullness of our potential. It is based all on the free market. These 
concepts close the circle of the philosophy of laissez faire.

The novel leads us through a clever plot where the principles of freedom and 
individuality lead to a free market, one not controlled by governments or by tax men. 
The narrative is gripping. The reader cannot lay the book down. The book culminates in 
a number of essays filling in gaps in the philosophy of western civilization.

An enigma remains. Why is the book authored anonymously? I received the book 
camouflaged in a brown envelope, mailed from Switzerland. Looking at its production, 
it was clearly the product of a short printing run. A letter in the envelope reads:

"Hello, The author of this book prepared a short list of people that might be best 
able to appreciate it, and instructed us to see that complimentary copies were 
provided. Your name was included on the list.

This is not a request for endorsements. We thank you if you wish to recommend the book 
to Should you desire more copies, they are currently available from Laissez-Faire 
Books. http://laissezfairebooks.com

Thank you,

The Publishers"

I almost forgot the title: A Lodging of Wayfaring Men. A bit odd, don't you think? 
About halfway through the book we find a quotation from the Prophet Jeremiah, chapter 
nine. He laments the woebegone ways of his people. They have lost their moorings; they 
no longer obey their lord. I, for myself, have often noticed that much of the 
objectivism of Ayn Rand is rooted, perhaps unconsciously, in the Hebrew tradition. 
This has not been subject to analysis, and the virulent antireligiousness of her 
writing is one flaw (the other is not recognizing that most people are not rational). 
This particular novel leads us, in the end, to an exciting scene where the protagonist 
is interviewed by the Bilderbergers (the true rulers of the world). I will not tell 
you the outcome; you need to read the book for yourselves. Everyone who thinks he has 
a rational mind needs to read this novel. Western civilization needs to be rescued, 
and for this we need leadership; we need a philosophy. The seeds!
 of it are right here in this novel. I am going to say it again: You need to read this 

Oh, yes. I forgot to comment on why, at least why I believe, the author chose to 
remains anonymous. The purpose of this novel is to instill independent responsibility 
and thinking in each of the readers. If the author were to give her or his name, we 
would be creating another guru cult. You see, the essence of our civilization is 
independence; intellectual independence of each member of the middle class. How can 
you be independent if you follow a guru? Readers of my writing will know how fearful I 
am of the future of our civilization. Just in the last month, our privacy in medical 
records is lost. Our privacy in our personal communications and affairs are lost to 
the Homeland Security Act, and we are threatened in our homes and towns with violence 
and terrorism from fanatics from out with our borders, and fanatics within government. 
Who will save us? We have to take responsibility individually, all of us. We need to 
turn the tide and rescue our civilization. Now is the time.!
 This is a call to arms; moral arms. Read the book.

Thomas Dorman, MD
November 29th 2002 

For those who haven't read this book, "Farber" is one of the characters, and these 
essays were published in several newspapers around the world. I find it interesting 
that in the book it was mentioned that the NY Times wouldn't print it, while the NY 
Post not only did, but criticized the Times for not doing so. Anyway, these essays 
describe some of the plot that goes on in the book, but not in a way to spoil it if 
one were to read it. I believe these essays could be useful for all of us in our 
pursuit of sovereignty, and inspiring perhaps as well. Enjoy.


Farber’s First Essay

It began with Arab traders and the merchants of Venice. They really didn't know what 
they were building or how it would work. They merely struggled for the betterment of 
themselves and their families.

It began to break out when the deep superstition of the Middle Ages cracked open under 
the strain of new philosophies and religious ideas.
It found room to grow wherever new and wild vistas were found. It found fresh growth 
with each discovery of far-off new lands. It found a home everywhere the old order was 
broken up and fresh starts were being made. It took a firm root in America and 
flourished there for over a hundred years.
Never again, where history is recorded, will there be any question as to whether or 
not it works.

“It,” is the great discovery of the modern era: the positive-sum game. It is the 
liberation of human energy to do its appropriate job. It is the operation of creation, 
using the only counter-entropic force this world has: free human energy. 

You can see it work everywhere from the research lab, to the front office, to the 
construction site. It is what drives the entrepreneur to develop and produce a new 
product or service, and it is what gives the construction worker pride when his skill 
overcomes a difficult problem, making way for his blueprints to become a functional 
structure. Why is the construction worker proud, and why does the entrepreneur exult? 
Because they have done the one thing that all humans have the impulse to do – to 
create something good that would not have been otherwise. Human energy is the great 
creative force in the world. Without it, things tend to entropy (As the second law of 
thermodynamics states, “Closed systems tend to entropy.”) Without active and 
creative human energy, everything goes back to an animal level of existence. 
This human energy does not function by obedience and compulsion – it cannot, no 
matter how many rulers wish it were otherwise. Look at the command economies of the 
dead socialist world. Within several decades their occupants were reduced to an animal 
existence. Look at the millennia when constrained people lived at the pleasure of 
their Kings, seeking permission from their rulers to live and work. They continually 
starved and died. It is only when a few freelance merchants began living according to 
their own minds and breaking away from the permissions of their rulers that things 
began to change. 

When human energy is free to move, creativity goes wild; as do motivation, happiness, 
and the accumulation of wealth. When it is restrained, the descent to animal existence 
takes over again. 

The discovery of this fact is what differentiates us from the Middle Ages, and not 
much else. Do you think the people who lived in those dark times were inherently less 
intelligent than we are? They were not! You and I are their direct descendants, not 
many generations removed. We are essentially the same. 
The term positive-sum game signifies that this system creates more than the sum of its 
parts. The only real magic – human energy – creates more than it started with. 
Take some raw materials that of themselves are of little worth, and when you add human 
creativity you can create vehicles, computers and spaceships. The materials themselves 
have been around since the creation of the earth; if they could have turned into 
something great of themselves they would have done it long ago. But they cannot – it 
is only when humans manipulate them according to their own ideas that they gain any 
value. Thus, five dollars worth of materials becomes a product worth thousands of 

Those who do not play the positive-sum game instinctively fall back into being 
motivated by envy. Ultimately, they find reasons to feel that “there are only so 
many pieces of the pie.” This is the seed of destruction. 

The next thing they say is “If you have a bigger piece of the pie, then someone else 
has to have less.” That is a zero-sum game – the idea that nothing is really 
created, just moved from one hand to another. Not only is it false, but it is also the 
credo of every envious looter who speaks of ‘fairness’ and ‘equal distribution 
of wealth,’ but who secretly hopes to get a share of wealth held by others.

The real controversy of our time is this: Is human energy allowed to work in the 
world, or will it be tied down? The miserable experiment of communism has taught the 
world’s rulers that the positive-sum game is necessary. So, their plan now is not to 
allow human energy to work, but to siphon off as much wealth as possible without 
killing it altogether. We productive people are carrying the governments of the world 
upon our backs. 
Are they worth half of our efforts – half of our lives?

They take half of our earnings away from us continually by a vast web of taxes, fees 
and regulations – for what benefit? “To help the poor,” they say, and 
clamorously infer that if you disagree you are a heartless and dangerous person, and 
further that all will despise you. But if our money is forcibly taken from us, is not 
the state robbing us? Any dictionary will tell you that it is so, but it is considered 
poor form to say so – even to consider it. 

And are the poor better off? Certainly some of our money goes to the poor (although 
most is eaten up in the bureaucracy). This feeds their bellies insufficiently, while 
at the same time locking them into a life of dependence that wages an unending war 
upon their souls. Is that a good thing? Are the poor better off for this robbing of 
producers and living in a state of dependency? Or, does this produce one injustice the 
more and one moral lesson the less?

Many of you will gasp, and reel in shock that I would challenge the respectability and 
honor of your tradition, and you fear to let yourselves consider my case. You have 
come up against someone who does not share in your conspiracy of compliance. You must 
either turn away from these subjects, or face the prospect of becoming a radical, and 
of people saying bad things about you. 

Are you angry? If so, it is not because I am wrong. If that were the case, you would 
simply walk away. You are angry because I am ill-mannered enough to bring up subjects 
that you wish to avoid. My ideas bother you. When they come up, you divert your mind 
to pat phrases like, “That is the price we pay for our society. You dodge reason, 
and shunt your thoughts away in order to keep your mental comfort level. You do not 
face these ideas head-on because you are afraid of them – you are afraid that you 
might have to agree with them. And then you would have to face the choice either to be 
a hero or to be a coward. 

I stood one evening in IBM Plaza in Chicago, looking over the riverfront skyline as 
the sun sank in the southwest, and realized that the towering monuments to human 
effort in front of me were the results of the positive-sum game run at only 
half-speed. Chicago was wild and open from the 1830s through the 1890s. Then, slowly, 
the curbs and limits were imposed by do-gooder government and collectivist types. 
These inevitably slowed the workings of a city that had been, as one writer said, 
‘Geared for giants.” But the restraints were not enough to stop the positive-sum 
game – only enough to slow it down. 

The Chicago skyline I watched was the result of the positive-sum game being played at 
half-speed, yet its results were awesome. I thought about what might have been if it 
were allowed to operate unfettered. And then I thought of the greatest example of the 
positive-sum game in my lifetime – Hong Kong. It went from rice fields to the 
grandest city of the east in one generation – an explosion of unrestrained human 

What things we have been deprived of! What glorious accomplishments aborted and 
stillborn! And now our recent explosion of technology has become the target of 
bureaucrats worldwide. Where will we go from here? Will the positive-sum game once 
again be strangled, or will it migrate to new and open lands? 
But! Moving to a new land will be a problem, won’t it? There is no land on this 
planet that has not been claimed by some gang of rulers. So, until cheap space flight 
is achieved, there is only one new country to be found – cyberspace. So escape there 
we shall. And there we will – and must, for our own sake and the sake of our 
descendants – establish the positive-sum game without restriction.

Toward that end, we have built a private free market. We used our own money to do it, 
and we’ve broken no laws that we are aware of, save laws that outlaw privacy. Now, 
the rulers are trying to stop us. Why? We want to run an experiment, and see if 
freedom really is better than servitude. Why won’t they let us try? Are they 
interested in the betterment of mankind, or are they really interested in their 
monopoly powers? All we want is to be left alone and to try freedom. Why is that 
threatening? And why do they wish to imprison us? 

James Farber

Farber’s Second Essay

History books tell the stories of Rulers. Some are Kings; some, Emperors; some, 
Presidents or Prime Ministers; and some, potentates of more exotic name. A few of them 
were more or less benevolent, and others were tyrants. Most were in-between. But they 
all held one thing in common – they maintained a monopoly on the use of force in 
their territories. They maintained their right to use coercion, and to prevent all 
others from doing so. 
Stripped of romantic rhetoric and patriotic emotion, the essence of rulership is the 
ability to maintain a monopoly of force. Argue if you like, but you will be arguing 
with the dictionary. 

Every reform of government and rulership to date has kept the central mechanism of 
coercion in place. Did some governmental reforms lead to improvements? Certainly. They 
made things considerably less bad. But they left centralized coercion in place. And 
for every ‘good’ leader that has come along, such as a Washington or a Churchill, 
we've had several times as many Stalins or Maos. 

I have friends who study such things, and they assure me that roughly two percent of 
all people are would-be dictators; if they had the opportunity to oppress the world, 
they would. Another twelve percent or so are would-be facilitators; that is, when one 
of the two-percenters comes to power, they are glad to fill a slot and vigorously 
exercise power over others. Like it or not, these people are out there, and they are 
drawn to the levers of power. And once every so often, they have their turns. When 
they do, innocent people die in large numbers. Over one hundred million died this way 
in the past century. Try to comprehend that…one hundred times one thousand, times 
one thousand people. Boys, girls, men, women, teenagers, short, tall, strong, weak, 
dark-skinned and light-skinned. All of them dead because twisted people were able to 
take hold of centralized force.

If you have wondered why some of us are so determined to keep governments out of 
cyberspace, please understand that this is why. We've had enough of centralized force. 
We’re removing the whole mechanism. We think it was a mistake from the beginning. We 
don't want to be anything for the two percent to grab. 
If you want coercive rulership, keep it; we won't try to take it away from you. But we 
have chosen to opt out. Don't try to reign us back in. We won't try to make you live 
our way, and you don't try to make us live your way. We are not your property. 

Our arrangement has no central mechanism of coercion, and it has been working quite 
well for a couple of years now. We like it. 
This arrangement has, however, surprised us in several ways. One of the things we 
discovered was that once you remove the mechanisms of coercion, you remove something 
else – politics. Politics is the art and science of managing centralized coercion. 
This is the reason political debates are so infuriating: the final decision leads to 
unopposable force. Once the political process is completed, you have the choice either 
to obey, or to be punished. 
Coercion is the sine qua non of politics; the thing, without which, politics would not 
be politics. Indeed, if you remove coercion, politics becomes something else – 
Things work by economic means here. If you don't like the way a market operates, just 
move to a different one. Or, if no one does it the way you think is right, start your 
own. There are no protected services here, nothing mandatory. You may opt out of 
anything you don't like, or offer any service you like. We couldn't stop you if you 
wanted to start a communist collective. The only limitation would be that you could 
not force anyone to join or remain part of your collective; we have no mechanism for 
that. The entire system is built around the idea that persuading people to trade with 
you is moral, and that forcing them is not. 
We think our ideas are right, but we will not impose them on you.

You can hold whatever ideas you like, just don't impose them on us. 

All this being said, what really concerns your rulers, and what is driving them to 
demonize us, is that people are leaving their systems and joining ours. 
Your children are joining the free digital economy in huge numbers.

No, the young people are not joining us for historical and philosophical reasons; 
those things are mostly for us older people. Young people, as always, are looking for 
adventure and opportunity. In your regulated world, very few people ever get much real 
adventure or overwhelming success. They read about such things in novels and celebrity 
tabloids, they see them in movies, but very few of them will actually experience such 
things. Our world, on the other hand, has adventure and opportunity in wholesale 
quantities. Your children may have to work hard to get it, but a big life is waiting 
for them if they wish to earn it. 

In our realm, intelligence, daring, and perseverance are rewarded far more directly 
than in your regulated world. Here, you can be a complete unknown, with no connections 
and no wealth – but, if you can learn to provide excellent ideas or services, you 
can get rich. No one here knows or cares about the color of your skin, or your sex, or 
who you sleep with, or anything of the sort. If you can produce, you’re a player. 
Want to go from rags to riches? Pick a valuable skill in our world, throw yourself 
into it with all of your might, excel at it, and start selling it. Time and effort are 
all you need. You don't need friends in the right places…only value to offer. 

And there’s more: The truth is that the best rewards come to those who are first at 
something new. Jobs and Wozniak were the first to produce a good personal computer, 
but other people would have done the same thing within a year or two. They got to do 
all the cool stuff only because they were first. You can say the same thing for every 
other discovery or invention. Human knowledge is built piece-upon-piece, and new 
discoveries follow, more or less, in that sequence. If you want to do the really fun 
things, you have to get to the front of the line.

The stream of human knowledge is now firmly rooted in our world. The frontier of Alvin 
Toffler’s third wave is in cyberspace, and that’s where the front of the line can 
be found. 

Now, let me tell you about the future of the third wave:
The central ideal of your old world is coercive authority. This is embodied not only 
in rulership, but in schools, in families, in religions, and in most every area of 
life. We were all born into a world that told us, “Do what you are told, or we'll 
hurt you.” Our parents told us that, our teachers imposed it on us, our gods are 
envisioned this way, and certainly the rulers of the earth operate this way. From 
birth to death, continually, it confronts you all. 

Having lived with these ideas for a hundred generations, humanity is used to this, and 
can survive it moderately well. But it is far from ideal. From birth on you are 
trained to sit, to obey or else, to worry that you might do something wrong without 
realizing. It puts you in a sort of perpetual cringe, unconsciously cowering in 
expectation of the next blow. Being used to it is no reason to think that it isn't 

We have eliminated this. It has not root here, no mechanism. This is having an effect 
on the world already, although it certainly has a long way to go. But it is here, and 
it is not fading away. 

It may be a generation or two before we begin to see how the coercion-free mind works. 
Longer before it becomes dominant. Nonetheless, the seedlings have been planted, and 
they are thriving. 

We certainly didn't start this. Its roots trace back to every free thinker, to every 
rebel for truth; to the true heroes, who, in a thousand different areas of life, had 
the courage to be right, even in the face of opposition. We are simply carrying on 
their work at the moment when it threatens to reach critical mass. 

If we were simply one more reform movement, we would seek to conquer your system and 
run it our way. That, however, is not what we are. We do not accept coercion as moral. 
We do not wish to coerce anyone, and we will not submit to being coerced. We do not 
want to run your system.

If all of this seems threatening to you, I'm sorry. I know how that can feel. We are 
not your enemies – we are your friends, and we are your future. We will not harm 
you. We do not want to take your governments away from you. We do not want to control 
your governments. We are not asking you to change your lives. We are only withdrawing 
from your game. Go your own way in peace. We wish you well. We still love you, we 
still care about you, we'll still spend time with you, and in the right situation we 
would defend you. But we will not remain part of your coercive systems. We are pleased 
to share this planet with you, but we do not wish to share your social structures. We 
want to do a new thing – a better thing.

If you wish the best for your children, encourage them to step into the new world – 
a world where they can own their own lives, and enjoy the fruits of their own labor. A 
perfect world? No, But a much better world than one with centralized coercion and 
obedience to authority as its main pillars.
We do wish you well. 

James Farber 

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