This Message was undeliverable due to the following reason:

Your message was not delivered because the destination computer was
not reachable within the allowed queue period.  The amount of time
a message is queued before it is returned depends on local configura-
tion parameters.

Most likely there is a network problem that prevented delivery, but
it is also possible that the computer is turned off, or does not
have a mail system running right now.

Your message was not delivered within 2 days.
Host is not responding.

The following recipients did not receive this message:


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a menos que verifique que a mesma esta errada.
Se o fizer, por favor indique a provavel razao do erro.
Se nenhuma razao for apontada a mensagem sera apagada.

This is an automatic reply. You do not need to reply unless you feel
this message to be in error. If you do so, please state a reason why you
think there is an error. If no reason is appointed the message will be
Reporting-MTA: dns;
Arrival-Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2004 12:03:14 +0000
Received-From-MTA: dns; (

Original-Recipient: RFC822;<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Final-Recipient: RFC822; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Action: failed
Status: 4.4.7
Remote-MTA: dns;
X-Actual-Recipient: RFC822; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
--- Begin Message ---
Mail transaction failed. Partial message is available.


--- End Message ---

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