On Sat, Feb 14, 2004 at 12:34:01PM +1300, Peter Gutmann wrote:

> The RIAA/MPAA and US govt.are working on that.  Stand by.

I mentioned the trend, but the point is that's not there yet. There are other
countries, which will take a lot of talking to and threat of economic
sanctions, before it happens.

Trust-based BlackNets are really hard to penetrate -- you have to gain trust
to join the network. A lot of the nodes will be run by trojaned machines. A
lot of these machines will be run on wireless networks.

Then there's anonymizing traffic remixing, and global anonymized document
storage -- it isn't, but it will be there, by the time the threat becomes
global. At that point a society has to make a watershed decision, whether
it's going police state, or will protect pockets of privacy.

So, no, I'm not over-worried yet.

-- Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org";>leitl</a>
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