Below is the result of your feedback form.  It was submitted by ani anil ([EMAIL 
PROTECTED]) on Monday, February 23, 19104 at 23:52:04

WjMJKYJPrO15771: About ninety six percent (96%) of all computers are unknowingly 
infected with spy ware. Vital information can be stolen and entire
identity theft can occur. Spy ware can also lead to
easier "Virus Infection". Spy ware often gives its Author
Total control of any personal information on your computer.
Your only method of protection is to erase this information now.
Most Spy ware is undetectable by a common virus scanner.
Please Copy and paste this link in your web-browser to do a total system cleaning.
If you do not copy and paste that link into your web-browser your personal
information is still at risk.
Are you willing to risk your family's safety?
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