At 09:30 PM 3/22/04 -0600, Harmon Seaver wrote:
>On Mon, Mar 22, 2004 at 09:12:34PM -0500, An Metet wrote:
>> Robert Hettinga forwards:
>> > By concentrating sensing and data storage on the body, a wearable
>> > computer allows its user to ``control his own butt.''  The user
>> What the hell does this have to do with cypherpunks?
>   What the fuck rock did you crawl out from under?

Seconded, Harmon.  CP has long included privacy (ie control, aka
infosec) as a topic.  And the use and abuse of wireless tracker^H^H^H^H
(and what they will morph into) is a legit socio-tech topic which can
draw heavily on crypto.

And the other thread, s*veillance (ie reverse-panopticon) is completely
on target.
Again, the core idea being privacy.    Something for which crypto was

Keep 'em coming Bob.

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