At 05:27 PM 3/25/04 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>On Thu, 25 Mar 2004, Harmon Seaver wrote:
>>    Nonsense -- corporations are not humans, they have zero rights.
>Unfortunately, there are a whole slew of Supreme Court decisions that
>otherwise - mostly applying the 14th amendment (you know, freeing the
>slaves) to grant free speech and other constitutional protections to

1. The 14th says that anything Congress is prohibited from doing, states

(and other local govs) are too.  Slavery is merely a historical aside.
(Were the 14th not there, California could ban speech, support
religions, deny the right to keep and bear arms..)

2. Humans don't lose their rights when they form voluntary associations.

That's all the corporate decisions are saying.

Unfortunately, the *opposite* is practiced.  I, as an individual, can
not to hire <ethnic>, but a group of people together are threatened
with violence should they care to choose similarly.

Freedom isn't being able to do what you like, it's allowing someone else

to do or say something you hate and supporting their right to do so.
Marshall Clow

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