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University Of Rhode Island



Research Shows Explosives Remain Part Of Human Hair

KINGSTON, R.I -- March 17, 2004 -- The comb, that simple device millions of
people pass through their hair every day, could become the latest tool in
the battle against terrorism.

Thatís because a group of University of Rhode Island researchers has found
that chemicals used to make bombs remain in the hair of explosives handlers
long after repeated washings.

The lead researcher, Professor of Chemistry Jimmie Oxley, one of the
co-directors of URI's Forensic Science Partnership, has also found that
when the research team members attached ordinary gauze to combs, they had
effective collection devices.

"We are very excited about what we found, because I didnít know what to
expect to find in terms of persistence," Oxley said.

"Weíre at the very early stages of developing a practical field technique
to link the perpetrator to a crime," the chemist said. "(Oklahoma City
bomber Timothy) McVeigh had (the explosive) PETN on his shirt. If someone
like him changes his shirt, we could still test his hair."

The team's early findings are the result of a two-year, $320,000 grant
awarded by the National Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism.
Located in Oklahoma City. The institute was incorporated Sept. 23, 1999,
and grew out of the desire of the survivors and families to have a living
memorial of the Murrah Federal Building bombing of April 19, 1995.

Oxley, who titled the study "A New Source of Evidence: Explosive Traces in
Hair," said she pursued the research because hair readily absorbs odors,
such as those from cigarette smoke, it is being used for evidence of drug
use and because it is washed less frequently than hands and clothes.

She wanted to know if all explosives are absorbed equally well, if hair
color and type affect adsorption, and whether the explosive, with time and
washing, remains persistent. Ultimately, she hopes to establish a protocol
that can be established for law enforcement use. Adsorption is the surface
assimilation of a gas, vapor or dissolve matter.

"We wanted to know if we could get the same chemicals out that we put in,"
said URI Chemistry Professor Louis Kirschenbuam.

The research is being conducted in two phases at both URI and in the United
Kingdom, where subjects have been preparing dog-training aids. In the first
phase at URI, cut hair was exposed to explosive vapors to see which ones
were adsorbed. The persistence of adsorption was studied for washed and
unwashed hair. In the U.K, researchers combed subjectsí hair before and
after explosive handling. Then, subjects' hair was re-sampled after a time
interval and shampooing. Phase 2 of the work being done at URI will study
the significance of hair pigment, sex, and race, while Phase 2 in Great
Britain will develop law enforcement protocols for recovery of explosive
residues in hair.

Oxley's team has been examining absorption of common military explosives,
such as TNT, PETN and RDX, as well TATP, the suicide bombers' explosive.
RDX is the main component of C-4, while PETN is used in detonation cords,
sheet explosives and plasticized explosives.

In the TNT-tainted hair exposed to air at URI for six days, only small
decreases in TNT levels were detected. Hair tainted with TNT and PETN that
was washed three times and rinsed still retained small levels of the

"Finding the chemicals after washing, thatís what might turn out to be
important," Kirschenbaum said. "I think itís safe to say that volatile
chemicals can migrate into the hair. Once itís on there, it's truly stuck."

In addition to Oxley and Kirschenbaum, team members are URI Chemistry
Professor James Smith and chemistry graduate students Kajal Shinde and
Kishore Marimganti.

Editor's Note: The original news release can be found here.

This story has been adapted from a news release issued by University Of
Rhode Island.

R. A. Hettinga <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
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