"Hmmm... that's a thought. Tim May as president. Election slogan: "You're *all*
going up the chimneys.""

Wasn't there something close a few years ago? I remember a write-in campaign to get "Unabomber" Ted Kascinsky elected as President.


From: Jack Lloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: sunder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: BBC on all-electronic Indian elections
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2004 11:34:39 -0400

On Mon, Apr 26, 2004 at 11:18:52AM -0400, sunder wrote:
> Jack Lloyd wrote:
> >Still, I liked this quote: '"I came to vote because wasting one's ballot
> >in a
> >democracy is a sin," he told the BBC.' Not too common a view in the US
> >these
> >days, it seems like.
> What do you expect when the previous choice we've had was between Al "I
> Invented the Innnernet" Gore, and George "Nucular" Dubbya?

AFAIK most local/state elections have even lower turnout than the recent ones
for the prez. Anyway, you could always have voted for Nader/Brown/Tim May/etc.

Hmmm... that's a thought. Tim May as president. Election slogan: "You're *all*
going up the chimneys."

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