Gap may be I'm misunderstanding something about the HC approach.  

We have:

 P = (P1 or P2) is encoded HC_E(R,p) = {HC_E(R,P1),HC_E(R,P2)}

so one problem is marking, the server sends you different R values:


so you described one way to fix that by using symmetric crypto (where
it is difficult to get a message to decrypt 2 different ways with
different keys and get other than line noise out of the 2nd key).

But next problem you mentioned, server could simply lie and send you


for random value R2 now if you reply he knows you have property P1.

So I was suggesting that after you decrypt HC_E(R,P1) you encrypt it
again to check if R2 == HC_E(R,P2) which you should be able to do if
you know P2, you have R (because you just decrypted it), and if you
tweak the crypto system so that there is no non-deterministic aspect
such as OAEP, randomization factors etc.

> > Unless it's signifcantly less efficient, I'd say use it all the time.
> Well, I wouldn't complain. :) (Although pairings are quite slow, on
> the order of hundreds of milliseconds.)  Hilarie Orman presented it
> at an IETF meeting to what was reportedly a lukewarm response, and
> they also raised the patent issue.  Dan Boneh is sensitive to the
> issue of patented crypto, and was quite considerate when I asked
> about it, but still has the same vague statement in
> their FAQ about how they're not going to be evil with the patent, so
> it's still up in the air whether IBE will be useful in IETF
> standards.

If one were not explicitly interested in the IBE communication
pattern, and to avoid the patents in IETF protocol problems, I would
think one could do something without IBE.

eg. you mentioned earlier the problem of issuing one cert per
attribute permutation.  Instead how about you issue one cert per
attribute to psuedonym plus attribute.  In the case where you are not
due the attribute, you just don't learn the corresponding private key.

One problem with this is you have to avoid the server learning the
private key for the one you don't.

Now it might be possible eg. with Elgamal / DH to make an efficient
non-interactive ZKP that convinces you that the server chose the
private key fairly (and so does not know any corresponding private
key).  But another way to side-step the issue is to have the CA issue
you two certs per attribute.  You choose the private key for one it
chooses the private key for the other.  Data is encrypted with both
keys.  In the case of you not being due the attribute the CA does not
give you the private key it generated.

You could probably use some of the key gen stuff from multi-party
signatures (where multiple parties are involved and each holds a
private key fragment), however they tend to be inefficient I think so
above is probably simple and efficient enough.


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