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Landon had made an unsuccessful attempt at the recitation, and the doctor,
somewhat nettled, said:"Landon, you don't seem to be getting on very fast in
this subject. You seem to lack ambition. Why, at your age Alexander the
Great had conquered half the world.""Yes," said Landon,"he couldn't help it,
for you will recall the fact, doctor, that Alexander the Great had Aristotle
for a teacher.
In Newcastle, England, recently a cat called Ziggy was found to have stolen
things worth more than 1,000 pounds from houses in the neighborhood of its
owner. At first, people reported to the police that they had many things
stolen and Helen Lucarelli, Ziggy's owner, kept finding new things in her
kitchen,. The things were not hers and they included jewelry, underwear,
toys, napkins from a restaurant, watches, rubber gloves, soap, and a hat,.
Ziggy even got back police tape that had been important in a case. Helen had
no idea where these things had come from, so she gave them to local charity
shops. When the whole thing was fond out, Helen said to her friends. "It was
awfully embarrassing when I found so much strange underwear in my kitchen."
menjyou3otame02meranin,intafuer o-re. 

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