My name is Mr David Dawson and I  seek your co-operation in a proposal that I am 
convinced is mutually rewarding.
I work as a private Financial Consultant/Account portfolio Manager in Finance & Credit 
Company Limited a company based in Middlesex in the United Kingdom.In the last few 
years, I have managed a certain account for a Resident Foreigner here in the United 
Kingdom who unfortunately died  intestate, leaving in our care a fairly huge amount of 
money in a Domiciliary United States Dollars Account. We had unsuccessfully tried to 
make contact with any relatives of this client over the last couple of  months. Added 
to this , professional ethics which obligates us to act with extreme confidentiality 
when dealing with clients Accounts of this type  has made it impossible to get round 
the problem of identifying a next-of –kin in this situation. Needless to say, this is 
the precise reason why I have made contact with you. I  URGENTLY require  your 
assistance in securing the estate left behind by my client as any time from now it may 
be declared unserviceable and consequently  confiscated by the Financial Services 
Authority(FSA) here in the United Kingdom where his estate is held Indeed the FSA has 
issued a MANDATORY  NOTICE  demanding us to provide (within the next month) a next- of 
Kin to my client’s Estate or have same reserved to the protection of Her Majesty

Having  made futile attempts in  locating any of my Client’s relatives for over two 
years and convinced that no one would turn up to execute a Letter of Administration, 
and having satisfied all legal requirements of Beneficiary/next-of-Kin Notification, I 
do seek your consent to put you forward and present you as the next-of –Kin of my 
deceased client so that proceeds from  his Estate(Valued conservatively at Twenty one 
Million, Three Hundred and Twenty Thousand United States Dollars) can be paid into an 
account to be provided by your good-self(preferably outside the United Kingdom 
financial institutions or its Isles)

Do be assured that I am seized of all relevant documents to validate our claim 
presenting you as next-of-Kin  and all we will do shall be within the confines of 
all/any UK regulating Statutes. All I ask is you co-operation and trust as we go 
through the various stages that will legally qualify you as the only living 
next-of-Kin to the Estate of my client.
Of course  you shall be handsomely rewarded for your involvement in this transaction 
and all I can say at this time is that the figures will be worth every effort and 
commitment that you will bring into this transaction.
Do get back to me on this e-mail address [EMAIL PROTECTED] On receipt of your response 
, I shall provide you with a dedicated private telephone number with which we shall 
speak and upon which I shall furnish you with finer details of this transaction

Your sincerely.

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