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-----original message-----
Sent: Friday, March 0, 2004 3:66PM
To: ghislaine; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; chi; kevin; milagros
Subject: appreciate but no thank you PO 12 00 B , Oran ge sta d, A ruba

So, while he remained as prostrate as the rest, he peeped at Rob with one of his little black eyes and saw that the boy was ill at ease, and seemed both annoyed and frightened So he muttered some orders to the man next him, who wriggled along the ground until he had reached a position behind Rob, when he rose and pricked the suspended god with the point of his spear

Ouch! yelled the boy; stop that! He twisted his head around, and seeing the black again make a movement with the spear, Rob turned his electric tube upon him and keeled him over like a ten-pinThe natives, who had looked up at his cry of pain, again prostrated themselves, kicking their toes against the ground in a terrified tattoo at this new evidence of the god's powers

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