The GrOwth St0ck Rep0rt
Breaking News Alert: After the Cl0se
Nathaniel Energy (0TCBB:NECX)

NATHANIEL ENERGY C0RPORATION enters into memorandum of understanding with

ENGLEWOOD, Colo., June 29 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Nathaniel Energy
C0rporation (OTC Bulletin B0ard: NECX - News), a leader in renewable energy,
announced it has entered into a memorandum of understanding with Merrick &
Company, which will be used as a model for future agreements and create a
framework for a continuous partnership between Nathaniel and Merrick in
creating projects using the Thermal Combustor technology.

· Merrick will partner with Nathaniel as the exclusive project manager for
the Thermal CombustorT "Phase 1" project implementation at the 190 acre
Cimarron County, Keyes Oklahoma site.

· Upon completion and success of the Thermal CombustorT "Phase 1" project
at Keyes, Merrick plans to introduce potential business opportunities to
Nathaniel for the Thermal CombustorT technology.

· Upon completion and success of the Thermal CombustorT "Phase 1" project
at Keyes,  Merrick plans to partner in the development of an ethanol plant
at the Keyes site by providing business analysis and structure, engineering,
design, project management, construction management and possible equity

· Merrick plans on partnering with Nathaniel on all of its Thermal
CombustorT projects through engineering services, design, project
management, construction management and possible equity ownership.

Nathaniel Energy provides industry with an alternative energy comparable to
that of fossil fuels. Its proprietary patented technology, the Thermal
Combustor(TM), is a 2-stage gasification system designed to combust waste,
biomass, tires and any other solid, carbon-based materials into inexpensive
electrical and thermal energy, while exceeding the most stringent EPA and
European Union regulations.

Merrick & Company, Founded in 1955, an employee owned professional
engineering and services firm. Merrick provides architecture and engineering
services for special use buildings, design of equipment and facilities for
high containment research and material processing, consulting and design
services for biomass-to-energy conversion and infrastructure improvements,
and geographic information systems (GIS) and survey services.  Merrick
builds quality solutions with offices in Aurora and Colorado Springs, CO;
Los Alamos and Albuquerque, NM; Atlanta, GA, and Guadalajara, MX.



Inf0rmation within this em-ail contains "f0rward l00king sta-tements" within
the meaning of Secti0n 27A of the Se-curities Act of 1933 and Secti0n 21B of
the Se-curities Exc-hange Act of 1934. Any st-atements that express or inv0lve
discussi0ns with respect to predicti0ns, expectati0ns, be.liefs, plans,
projecti0ns, 0bjectives, g0als, assumpti0ns or fu'ture events or perf0rmance
are not stat-ements of hist0rical fact and may be "f0rward l00king
sta-tements."F0rward l00king sta-tements are based on expectati0ns, est-imates
and projecti0ns at the time the sta-tements are made that inv0lve a number of
ri'sks and uncer'tainties which could cause actual re-sults or events to differ
mat-erially from those presently ant-icipated. F0rward l00king sta-tements in
this acti0n may be iden-tified through the use of words such as "pr0jects",
"f0resee", "ex-pects", "will," "an-ticipates," "est'imates," "bel-ieves,"
"un-derstands" or that by st-atements indi-cating certain acti0ns "may,"
"c0uld," or "might" 0ccur. As with many micr0cap st0cks, t0day's c0mpany has
additi0nal ri-sk fact0rs w0rth n0ting.The c0mpany has a g0ing c0ncern 0pinion
from its audit0r, has relied on l0ans from 0fficers and an af'filiate
shareh0lder to pay exp-enses, has a large acc-umulated def'icit since its
incepti0n and is inv0lved in li-tigation in the n0rmal c0urse of its
bus'iness, none of which is ant-icipated to have a ma-terial adve-rse ef-fect on
its fi-nancial c0nditi0n, 0perati0ns or pr0spects. The C0mpany will need to
0btain fin'ancing. There can be no assu-rance of that happening. On June 7,
2004, Nathaniel Energy C0rporati0n issued a press rele'ase that its helium
and gas pr0cessing facility in Keyes, Oklahoma exp-erienced a fire, that
there were no injuries, and that repairs are underway. The Gr0wth St0ck
Rep0rt does not rep-resent that the inf0rmation c0ntained in this mes-sage
states all mat'erial facts or does not 0mit a mate'rial fact nec-essary to make
the sta-tements therein not misl-eading.All inf0rmati0n pr0vided within this
ema-il per-taining to in-vesting, st0cks, se-curities must be underst00d as
inf0rmation pr0vided and not inves-tment advi-ce. The Gr0wth St0ck Rep0rt
advi-ses all rea'ders and sub'scri'bers to seek advi-ce from a reg-is'tered
pr0fessi0nal se-curities represe'ntative before deciding to tr'ade in st0cks
fea-tured within this ema-il. None of the mat-erial within this rep0rt shall be
c0nstrued as any kind of inves-tment a-dvice or s0licitati0n. Many of these
c0mpanies are on the verge of bankr'uptcy. You can l0se all your m0ney by
inv-est-ing in this st0ck. The publ-isher of The Gr0wth St0ck Rep0rt  is not a
re-gistered in-vest-ment expert. Subs-cri-bers should not view informati0n
herein as legal, tax, acc0unting or in'ves-tment advi'ce. Any ref'erence to past
perf0rmance(s) of c0mpanies are spe-cially sele-cted to be refe'ren'ced based on
the fav0rable perf0rmance of these c0mpanies. You would need perfect timing
to achie-ve the res'ults in the exa'mples given. There can be no assu-rance of
that happening. Remember, as always, past perf0rmance is nev-er in-dica'tive
of fu-ture results and a th0rough due dil-igence eff0rt should be c0mpleted pri0r
to inv-esting.  Past perf0rmance is nev-er ind-icative of fu'ture re-sults.
In c0mpliance with the Secu-rities Act of 1933, Secti0n17(b), The Gr0wth St0ck
Rep0rt  discl0ses the re-ceipt of eight th0usand d0llars from a third pa-rty,
not an 0fficer, direct0r or af-filiate shareh0lder of the c0mpany for the
circulati0n of this rep0rt. Be aware of an inherent c0nflict of int'erest
res-ulting from such c0mpensation due to the fact that this is a pa'id
adver-tis'ement. All fac'tual inf0rmation in this rep0rt was gathered from public
s0urces, including but not lim-ited to C0mpany We-bsites, SEC filings and C0mpany
Pre-ss Rel-eases. The Gr0wth St0ck Rep0rt  bel-ieves this inf0rmation to be
rel-iable but can make no guaran-tee as to its a-ccu-racy or c0mpleteness.
Use of the ma-terial within this e-mail c0nstitutes your acc-eptance of these terms.

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