The Growth St0ck Report
Earnings Flash: College Partnership (OTCBB: CGPA)
Revenues: Q3: $4,953,257
Nine Month Revs: $14,608,186
Current St0ck Price: Around $.25

This st0ck is flying underneath Wall Street's Radar Screen. Many of these
small st0cks have been exploding higher in price. Take a long hard look at
this one. Real revenues, real company.....Consider acquiring a position

College Partnership, Inc. Announces Inc-rease in Pro-fits For the 3rd Fiscal
Quarter Ending April 30, 2004 Over the Prior Quarter

LAKEWOOD, Colo., June 28 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- College Partnership,
Inc., (OTC Bulletin Board: CGPA - News), a leading provider of college
planning products and services, today announced its results for the fiscal
period ending April 30, 2004.

 *The Company announced revenues had increased $804,914 or 19%, from the 2nd
fiscal Quarter and that the Company had recognized a profit of $108,649, a
$653,887 inc-rease from the loss of $545,238 incurred during the 2nd fiscal
Quarter of 2004. The Company also announced it expects revenues in the 4th
fiscal Quarter to approximate the same quarter last year, but that results
of operations will be significantly better than last year's 4th fiscal

*Ed Doody, the Company's President, noted the Company is implementing a
number of initiatives which are designed to improve the efficiency of the
Company's di'rect ma-il marketing programs and enable the Company to achieve
profitability. Mr. Doody also noted, "Revenue in the 3rd Quarter reflects a
price incr'ease instituted during the 2nd half of fiscal 2004 offset by lower
unit sales, which are attributable to planned reductions in consumer
mailings to seminars during the last half of the 2nd Quarter."

*Total revenue for the three-month period was $4,953,257, a slight in-crease
from $4,928,881 for the comparable period in 2003. The net income was
$108,649 compared with net income of $152,316 for the same period in 2003.
Total revenue for the nine-month period was $14,608,186, an inc-rease of
$510,352 from $14,097,834 for the comparable period in 2003 (a YTD gain of
3.6%). The net loss was $878,203 compared with net income of $448,708 for
the same period in 2003.

*Ed Doody also indicated that College Partnership is implementing a number
of new marketing initiatives which it projects will result in significant
revenue growth, on a profitable basis, in fiscal 2005.

**College Partnership, Inc. is a full-service college planning company
offering students and their family integrated resources and services to
guide them through the college preparation process. College Partnership's
suite of products and services integrates career planning, college
major/field of study selection, college selection, preparation for college
entrance tests, as well as searches for merit awards. The products consist
of printed materials, videocassettes, college major/field of study software,
career assessment software, databases accessible through CD-ROM and
one-to-one counseling. The Company provides educational resources that
assist families to save time, develop a plan, decrease stress, and reduce
college costs.


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are not statements of historical fact and may be "f0rward l0oking
statements."F0rward lo0king statements are based on expectations, estimates
and projections at the time the statements are made that involve a number of
risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results or events to differ
materially from those presently anticipated. Forward looking statements in
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"f0resee", "expects", "will," "anticipates," "estimates," "believes,"
"understands" or that by statements indicating certain actions "may,"
"could," or "might" occur. As with many microcap st0cks, today's company has
additional risk factors worth noting. Those factors include an accumulated
deficit since its inception, a negative net worth and reliance on l0ans from
officers and directors to pay an arbitration setllement. The Company does
not have a going concern opinion form its auditors. The Growth St0ck Report
does not represent that the information contained in this message states all
material facts or does not omit a material fact necessary to make the
statements therein not misleading.All information provided within this em-ail
pertaining to inv-esting, st0cks, se'curities must be understood as
information provided and not investment advice. The Growth St0ck Report
advises all readers and subscribers to seek advice from a registered
professional secu-rities representative before deciding to trade in st0cks
featured within this email. None of the material within this report shall be
construed as any kind of inv-estment advice or solicitation. Many of these
companies are on the verge of ban-kruptcy. You can l0se all your m0ney by
investing in this stock. The publisher of The Growth St0ck Report is not a
reg-istered inv-estment expert. Sub-scri-bers should not view information herein
as legal, tax, acc0unting or i-n-v-estment advice. In compliance with the
Sec-urities Act of 1933, Section17(b), The Growth St0ck Report discloses the
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Be aware of an inherent conflict of interest resulting from such
compensation due to the fact that this is a paid a-dver-tisement. All factual
information in this report was gathered from public sources, including but
not limited to Company Webs'ites, SEC filings and Company Press Releases. The
Growth St0ck Report believes this information to be reliable but can make no
guar-antee as to its accuracy or completeness. Use of the material within
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