At 09:32 PM 7/5/04 +0200, Anonymous wrote:
>Major Variola (ret) writes:
>> The yanks did not wear regular uniforms and did not march in
>> rows in open fields like Gentlemen.  Asymmetric warfare means not
>> playing by
>> *their* rules.
>But asymm warfare has to accomplish its goal.  It's not being very

Worked for Gen W.

The only people who are siding with al-qaeda are those whose
>brains are already mush -statist socialists, to be precise.

Of course their brains are mush, they are *religious*.

Much like the xian loonies in DC
"God, we pray that our actions here give some glory back to you.  We
live in grace even here, and we are not afraid of death. ... None of us
wants to die here, but death is the blink of an eye, and you wake up in
US Navy Chaplain Wayne Hall

But you get better post-mortem sex if you're Muslim.

If al qaeda
>bombed government buildings or targetted the private residences or
>of government officials, they might get more sympathy, from me at
>Destroying an pair of buildings and killing thousands of citizens -most
>whom couldn't give an accurate account of U.S. forces distribution in
>MidEast- is not a step forward.

They are not after sympathy, they are after your attention.  As in,
"don't tread on me".  As in, "get your filthy hands off my desert".
As in, death to the Romans.

The pentagon hit was apropos, but the pilot hit the wrong side.
Still, nice taking it home like that.

Not even UBL, who knows civil engineering, expected
a pair of implosions.  The pigs, fireman, civilians, etc
were collateral damage --the point was the video.

But architects have to show off, so down they went.
Live and learn.  But the replacement will be taller,
a tower of Babel.

More targets: soft targets with videocameras.  Disneyland,
Olympics, and of course kindergartens on days when parents
would be there with cameras.  Synchronized of course,
so you have zero doubt who it was.

Although they're religious, they know engineering and psyops
as well as the xian loony hegemonists in DC.

Basically its like this: even neighborhood bullies have to sleep.
A wimp with a gallon of gasoline can make a point.
David & Goliath, remember?

All's fair in love and war, baby.

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