----- Forwarded message from David Farber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

From: David Farber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 2004 10:09:31 -0400
Subject: [IP] Hi-tech rays to aid terror fight
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From: Dewayne Hendricks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: July 8, 2004 4:53:34 AM EDT
To: Dewayne-Net Technology List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Dewayne-Net] Hi-tech rays to aid terror fight

Hi-tech rays to aid terror fight

A new way of identifying metal and explosives could provide a valuable 
tool in the fight against terrorism.
Airport security has become big business following the terrorist 
attacks in the US.

A system that detects both metal and non-metallic weapons using 
terahertz light has been developed by technology firm TeraView.

It could make passenger screening at airports more effective and 
quicker, say experts.

Safe to humans

Dr Ruth Woodward, an independent scientific adviser for terahertz 
consultancy firm HT Consultants, said the technology could provide one 
of the most innovative ways of dealing with security threats.

"It presents a positive step forward, although the economic benefits 
are yet to be determined," she told BBC News Online.

Terahertz light sits between microwave and infrared on the 
electro-magnetic spectrum.

It has a number of properties that can be harnessed to screen 

Unlike X-ray, it is perfectly safe to use on people. It can pass 
through clothing, paper and plastics to detect metal, ceramic or 
plastic weapons.

And it can identify explosives by reading their characteristic spectral 

Magic wand

TeraView is a firm looking at ways of exploiting terahertz light.

It is developing a handheld security wand that could be used by airport 
security guards to pass over the body of passengers.

It is expected that the product will be available for commercial use 
within two years, following a trial at an as yet unspecified airport.
The firm is partnering with detection equipment firm Smiths Detection 
on the project.

The terahertz 'wand' will be attached to a box which will bleep when 
suspicious objects are found.

Eventually the firm also hopes to make a walk-through portal that uses 
the same techniques as the wand to scan passengers.

"The big challenge for airports is to keep the passengers happy and 
provide a high level of security," said Dr Mike Kemp, the 
vice-president of TeraView.

"What we are trying to do with terahertz light is create something that 
is more automatic and reduces the dependence on the sharp-eyed 
operator," he said.

Turning to technology

The technology is not likely to replace current methods of scanning, 
rather will sit alongside them, he explained.

And there is no substitute for old-fashioned human alertness.

"Any technology, whether it is new or old, is only there to complement 
commonsense," said Dr Woodward.

Following the September 11 attacks, airport security has taken on a 
new-found urgency.

"Many companies are looking at new technologies that can offer 
substantially increased security," said Chris Yates, aviation security 
editor at Jane's Transport.

A system that blows air at passengers to detect explosives is under 
trial at Terminal One of Manchester airport.

And several US airports are testing technology that can virtually 
undress passengers to detect any suspicious items.

This has caused uproar from civil liberty organisations in the US and 
led to some modification to allow passengers a degree of modesty.

"Basically the most sensitive areas of the body have been blocked out," 
said Mr Yates.

Terahertz light is the last unexplored frontier of the radio wave and 
light spectrum. and can be also be utilised in a variety of ways such 
as medical imaging.

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2004/07/08 08:05:37 GMT

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