At 02:49 PM 7/8/04 -0400, Tyler Durden wrote:
>I'd also point out that imaging technology (eg, CCDs) are moving like a
>out of hell, though I'm not sure of the relevance vz Cypherpunks.

Although its kinda boring and dry, Brill's work on ubiquitous cameras
is relevent to this list.

In the EE trade mags I've seen 1. how to do strobe flashes efficiently
with camera batteries 2. piezo and/or hydraulic autofocus mechanisms
being developed.  For cellcams.  Stabilization will come too.

And the CMOS boys are fighting to get their sensors as good as
CCDs, though it really doesn't matter, the volume is so high, you
can use funky fabs --just like primitive 6" wafer fabs being used for
cellphone power amps.  Heck, big fat 1 uM wires are better
for analog.  And you can still have your 0.1 uM CMOS logic
do the compression to save bandwidth, which is the commodity
being sold, the handset part of the contract.

In the future only pros will own gizmos that only take pictures.
Just like only surveyors and farmers would own a gizmo that only does

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