"Nah, if you're an Al Qaeda member, it's
your duty to open up more donut shops and in fact, have a policy of free
donuts to every cop.  Infact, you should send crates of donuts to every
police precinct several times a day.  I'd suggest a 10:1 donut to officer

I'm pretty sure I saw bin Laden working in "Kabab King" in Jackson Heights. I know it's him 'cause when I ordered I saw him spit on my Kababs. I said, "yo Osama...what the fuck're you doin' to my Kebabs". His reply: "Fuck you infidel. You want Pakistani food go to a buffet down the street."

As for targeting Financial Institutions, I went and painted a giant "JP Morgan" symbol on the roof of Madison Square Garden last week. Think it'll work? If it doesn't, like I said I'll try to sniff a hotspot from under the rubble for one last Cypherpunks post.


From: Sunder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "J.A. Terranson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Al-Q targeting NY corporations?
Date: Sun, 1 Aug 2004 12:58:46 -0400 (edt)

<FUD Mode=True>

I've a better idea for the terrorists who may be paying attention, why not
just leave NYC alone and target something more useful to take out - like
Microsoft, for example.

IMHO, the planes that were targeted at the WTC would have been better
directed at various Redmond, WA buildings.  They're after all a very big
company with a lot of billions - that would have been far more spectacular
an attack than a couple of profitless eyesores blocking everyone's view of
the Statue of Liberty.  <BURP>

And what's with attacking the pentagon?  They're the biggest sink of Evil
American Taxpayer funds after all. Don't you want your enemies wasting
billions of dollars on shitty airplanes and helicopters that crash

Besides, if you want to piss off the NY Cops, don't attack One Police
Plaza, take out Dunkin Donuts and Krispy Kreme joints... well, wait, I
kinda like Krispy Kreme once in a while, ok, just Dunkin Donuts...  Or
better yet, don't!  The artery clogging fat and the diabetes inducing
sugar+starch already do plenty.  Nah, if you're an Al Qaeda member, it's
your duty to open up more donut shops and in fact, have a policy of free
donuts to every cop.  Infact, you should send crates of donuts to every
police precinct several times a day.  I'd suggest a 10:1 donut to officer

Ditto for McDonalds foods.  Add extra grease.  The hydrogenated soybean

And why bother taking out the bridge to NJ - after all, NJ is where all
the stench is (remember that old joke: Girlfriend "Kiss me where it
smells," Boyfriend: "Ok, let's drive to NJ!"  You're better off leaving
that bridge alone, so commuters can be terrorized by the industrial stench
as they drive through, and by all the delays.  Infact, if you're an Al
Qaeda engineer, you'll want to BUILD more bridges to NJ, so more Satan
Loving American Infidels will get sickened by it.

Oh yeah, and be sure to vote for Bush.  He'll be sure to fuck the economy
even worse and put more draconian laws into effect.  You Al-Qaeda types
hate us for having freedom, right?  So Dubbya's your perfect boy for that.

That's the real way to be a terrorist, not by wasting your time on some dumb ass fireworks by airplane. Pshaw, only amateur terrorists do it that way.


 + ^ + :"I find it ironic that, on an amendment designed to protect  /|\
  \|/  :American democracy and our constitutional rights, the       /\|/\
<--*-->:Republican leadership in the House had to rig the vote and  \/|\/
  /|\  :subvert the democratic process in order to prevail"          \|/
 + v + :      -- Rep. Sanders re vote to ammend the US PATRIOT ACT.
-------------------------------------- http://www.sunder.net ------------

On Sun, 1 Aug 2004, J.A. Terranson wrote:

> Article below.
> Just in case AQ is listening, I'd like to remind them that there are some
> other states that also have some *really* good targets ;-) But, if you're
> just "stuck" on New York, let me make my recommendations:

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