At 02:49 PM 8/27/2004, Justin wrote:
On 2004-08-27T13:14:47-0700, Steve Schear wrote:
> At 04:12 AM 8/27/2004, you wrote:
As I understand it (I wasn't there, but perhaps you were), their
complaint was that their "representatives" weren't from the region they
claimed to represent, and that they weren't chosen democratically.  You
and I have no such claim.  I can't claim lack of representation just
because my fellow citizens are idiots who subscribe to the Libertarian
or Socialist or Zoroastrian platform yet vote for a Republican or

Although some voters registered with minority parties do indeed cross lines and vote for the majority candidate they feel is the lesser of two evils, they are not the focus of my interest but rather what representation is afforded those that do vote with their registered parties. In almost all other democracies independent voter turnouts in the magnitude of U.S. elections would guarantee at least one seat in a state (equivalent) or national assembly. But in the U.S these voters are being denied effective representation (and here 'effective' cannot be defined to mean the choice of the majority when voting is by district which eliminates any practical chance that a minority party candidate can be seated).

> The fact that 'my' representatives are not the ones I wanted nor any
> of the independent independent party voters wanted is paramount.

What you or I want has nothing to do with it.  I don't get to redefine
election procedure whenever my preferred candidate doesn't win an

No, but voters should be able to withhold their tax money, where possible, until they do. I think these disenfranchised voters would feel much less damaged if they weren't financially supporting a such an undemocratic system.

I'm not voting for either Bush or Kerry.  Neither represents my views.
No matter who wins, the winner is my president and my representative.  I
can't claim otherwise.  The best I can do is blame all the idiot voters
who cling to party-ID as if it were their only hope of survival.

You are attempting to substitute an inherently winner-take-all contest for the legislative contests I have been discussing. One has nothing to do with the other.

> Representation is about interests and ideology. If a
> significant segment of voters don't get anyone to represent these interests
> and ideologies bad things can happen (e.g., they can become
> radicalized). Representation can be an important outlet for these
> disenfranchised voters.

Well, one district in TX managed to elect someone who's decent - Ron
Paul.  It's possible.  The fact that libertarians or fascists everywhere
don't get their candidates elected has more to do with the fact that
they vote Republican or Democrat "because a vote for a third party is a
wasted vote."  Blame the morons in the electorate for not electing
representatives that mirror their views.  That's where the blame lies.

Its only 'wasted' because there is no chance that a majority in their voting district will also vote for the same candidate.

What do you want?  Do you want everyone to vote Democrat, Libertarian or
Republican, then apportion the House of Representatives and the Senate
appropriately?  Who picks the representatives?

The manners for the selection of candidates under a proportional system are varied but well understood outside the U.S. Perhaps these links might educate: and

The reason we don't have any socialists or libertarians or fascists in
Congress is that not a single district votes for one.  The U.S. has this
fixation on voting for one of the two major parties.  Other countries do
not; that's why some of them have multi-(3+)-party representation in
their parliaments.

No, the reason the U.S. has a fixation on voting for one of two major parties is because of a lack of proportional representation like elsewhere. I am certain you have the cause and effect interchanged.

Incidentally, some northeastern state allows each congressional district
to pick one elector, and the State as a whole picks two.  (Electors =
Senators + House Reps).  If you're complaining about presidential
elector selection, that blame lies with the States; the States dictate
how their electors are chosen.

I am not discussing presidential elections, this is another matter.

> The problem is that use of voting districts seems to have always resulted
> in gerrymandering in our political system.  A proportional system can
> eliminate these geopolitical distortions.

State and Federal House of Reps.  are proportional.  (Yeah, I know
Nebraska is unicameral, excuse the generalization).  What part of the
System isn't proportional other than most States' selection of
presidential electors?

The part that isn't proportional has to do with the very establishment of 'voting districts' within the states that are the key to the two major parties maintaining their electoral monopolies.


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