Hash: SHA1

My (new, specific for this) public key doesn’t seem to have made its
way around to the various keyservers yet, so some of you may have been
put off from replying to my last e-mail.  Here’s a link:

http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/[EMAIL PROTECTED]&op=index

Fingerprint = F9CA B88B AF06 4AFC 4767 E69C 8151 20D3 3584 43BC


I'm putting together a little project that may soon cause a bit of a
stir (ie 'soon', as in (hopefully) the next few weeks, to leverage the
2004 US election cycle).  The goal is nothing short of bringing a very
large dose of hard (tar-and-feathers level real) accountability to public
life, and changing the course of political history, forever.  Big stuff,
 to be sure, but it's _very_ doable.

It's remarkably simple concept, quite legal, and very moral.  Had it
been operational two years ago, *theory* has it that Gulf War V2.0 may
not have occurred.  Practice, of course, may not work out exactly as
that (given the determination of the players involved), but the potential
to have that sort of impact is there.

If successful, it should be quite popular amongst the people, and peoples,
  of the world.

However...(and, I must admit, it's a pretty big 'however'), it's also
going to *seriously* piss off a lot of very powerful people.  Namely,
 a significant number (probably the majority), of politicians, law enforcement
officials (including every three-letter acronym out there), the judiciary...and
basically every other public servant, and other entity (individual, or
group) that holds - and betrays - the public trust in some way, including
private and public corporations - in basically (soon enough) every jurisdiction
around the world.

I'd like to be able to do it all anonymously, but, most unfortunately,
  that's probably not possible, and I may have to go public too.  So,
 I have to consider that there's potentially a world of hurt headed my
way when this breaks.  I am, of course, taking precautions, should I
be "suicided" (for the record: I wouldn’t!), or otherwise sidetracked.
I'm also looking to enact multiply-redundant, distributed systems, across
jurisdictions, so that it is highly resistant to concerted attack by
legal or illegal, overt or covert means.  Basically, it will be set up
so that it is automatic, redundant, and personality independent, ie unstoppable.

That said, I'm a far better information-absorbing lurker than I am a
hacking cypherpunk. I have some knowledge, but not nearly enough to put
up more than token resistance to a determined attacker with effectively
"unlimited" resources.  I need help.

For starters, I'd like some list-level feedback on what sort of basic
precautions I should be taking (No need to go street level - I'm *reasonably*
well researched).  Where possible, I want to err on the side of paranoid,
 and stay away from anything with the potential to have a back door in
it, or anything else not guaranteed safe.  E.g. Use OpenBSD; don't use
______ processors, etc.

OpenPGP, Mixmaster (5-chain?), Mixminion (when secure - Hurry, please
Nick!), Freenet, Tor (maybe - though it's not ready yet, and I don't
like the US Navy involvement...though it is os for now), secure data
havens (where??), and whatever other tools I can throw up as resistance,
 or to guarantee survivability, I will.  But I need help in putting it
all together.

That brings me to my next point.  I would be interested in practical
offers of assistance.  I'm not going to go into any details of what's
involved here.  Suffice to say, it's not an overly complex operation
that any reasonably competent cp should be able to handle and, as I said,
 it should be up and running within a matter of weeks.  Please send
such offers directly to the above hushmail account.  (repeat: it _is_
legal,  and very moral.  You will be doing nothing "wrong"!)  If I can't
check you out somehow (you can suggest how I may - but I may or may not
use those particular sources), expect no reply (sorry, but I have to
be paranoid here - the last thing I need right now is to bring in the
"wrong" kind of help!

If you are an ideologue and like the idea of kicking Them where it hurts,
 or just like the idea of defending against the best of the best, from
all over the world, to see how you match up, I’d love to hear from you.
If you wish to volunteer, that'd be terrific!  If you wish instead tofor-
fee consult, let me know how you operate – it’s not out of the question.
 Resources aren't unlimited, but there'll be "enough" to get it across
the line; I'm putting all I can into it.

Oh, BTW, if this fires (as I am confident it will), there will likely
be at least one (probably more) mainstream, legit, permanent, security
role on offer.  That said, given the shit that will likely go down, from
those determined to stop this, I'd understand anyone not wanting to be
associated with it - publicly - post-launch.

Any feedback/help, much appreciated...

Note: This signature can be verified at https://www.hushtools.com/verify
Version: Hush 2.4


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