On Fri, 29 Oct 2004, James A. Donald wrote:

> On 29 Oct 2004 at 10:20, Tyler Durden wrote:
> > We're not reducing the quantity of government, just
> > consolidating under a single growing Borg-like government,
> > namely the US.
> This presupposes the US intends to rule Afghanistan and Iraq,
> which is manifestly false.

Agreed.  Our interest in not in Afghanistan/Iraq per se.  Our interest is
in ruling the *planet*, rather than any individual pissant player.

>     --digsig
>          James A. Donald


J.A. Terranson

        "An ill wind is stalking
        while evil stars whir
        and all the gold apples
        go bad to the core"

        S. Plath, Temper of Time

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