----- Forwarded message from jrandom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

From: jrandom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 2004 13:35:10 -0800
Subject: [i2p] weekly status notes [nov 2]

Hash: SHA1

Hi y'all, time for the weekly update

* Index:
1) Net status
2) Core updates
3) Streaming lib
4) mail.i2p progress
5) BT progress
6) ???

* 1) Net status

Pretty much as before - a steady number of peers, eepsites fairly
reachable, and irc for hours on end.  You can get a peek at the
reachability of various eepsites through a few different pages:
 - http://gott.i2p/sites.html
 - http://www.baffled.i2p/links.html
 - http://thetower.i2p/pings.txt

* 2) Core updates

For those hanging out in the channel (or reading the CVS logs),
you've seen a lot of things going on, even though its been a while
since the last release.  A full list of changes since the
release can be found online [1], but there are two major
modifications, one good and one bad:

The good one is that we've dramatically cut down on the memory churn
caused by all sorts of insane temporary object creation.  I finally
got fed up with watching the GC go mad while debugging the new
streaming lib, so after a few days of profiling, tweaking, and
tuning, the ugliest parts are cleaned up.

The bad one is a bugfix for how some tunnel routed messages are
handled - there were some situations where a message was sent
directly to the targeted router rather than tunnel routed prior to
delivery, which could be exploited by an adversary who can do a
little coding.  We now properly tunnel route when in doubt.

That may sound good, but the 'bad' part is that it means that there's
going to be some increased latency due to the additional hops, though
these are hops that needed to be used anyway.

There are other debugging activities going on in the core as well, so
there hasn't been an official release yet - CVS HEAD is
In the next few days we'll probably have a release, just to
get all that stuff cleared up.  It won't contain the new streaming
lib, of course.

[1] http://dev.i2p.net/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/i2p/history.txt?rev=HEAD

* 3) Streaming lib

Speaking of the streaming lib, there has been a lot of progress here,
and the side by side comparison of the old and new libs are looking
good.  However, there is still work to be done, and as I said last
time, we're not going to rush it out the door.  That does mean that
the roadmap has slipped, likely in the range of 2-3 weeks.  More
details when they're available.

* 4) mail.i2p progress

Lots of new stuff this week - working in and out proxies!  See
www.postman.i2p for more information.

* 5) BT progress

There has been a flurry of activity regarding porting a BitTorrent
client as of late, as well as updating some tracker settings.
Perhaps we can get some updates from those involved during the

* 6) ???

Thats it for me.  Sorry for the delay, I forgot about that whole
daylight savings thingamabob.  Anyway, see y'all in a few.


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Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org";>leitl</a>
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