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Cryptography: Beginning with a Simple Communication Game
 Date: Nov 5, 2004 By Wenbo Mao.  Sample Chapter is provided courtesy of
Prentice Hall PTR.
 In this introductory chapter from his book, Wenbo Mao uses a simple game
to demonstrate the complexity of cryptography, and its utility for your


We begin this book with a simple example of applying cryptography to solve
a simple problem. This example of cryptographic  application serves three
purposes from which we will unfold the topics of this book:
 To provide an initial demonstration on the effectiveness and practicality
of using cryptography for solving subtle problems  in applications
 To suggest an initial hint on the foundation of cryptography
To begin our process of establishing a required mindset for conducting the
development of cryptographic systems for information  security

 To begin with, we shall pose a trivially simple problem and then solve it
with an equally simple solution. The solution is  a two-party game which is
very familiar to all of us. However, we will realize that our simple game
soon becomes troublesome  when our game-playing parties are physically
remote from each other. The physical separation of the game-playing parties
eliminates  the basis for the game to be played fairly. The trouble then
is, the game-playing parties cannot trust the other side to play  the game

 The need for a fair playing of the game for remote players will "inspire"
us to strengthen our simple game by protecting it  with a shield of armor.
Our strengthening method follows the long established idea for protecting
communications over open networks: hiding information using cryptography.

 After having applied cryptography and reached a quality solution to our
first security problem, we shall conduct a series  of discussions on the
quality criteria for cryptographic systems (§1.2). The discussions will
serve as a background and cultural introduction to the areas in which we
research and develop technologies  for protecting sensitive information.

 1.1 A Communication Game

Here is a simple problem. Two friends, Alice and Boba, want to spend an
evening out together, but they cannot decide whether to go to the cinema or
the opera. Nevertheless, they  reach an agreement to let a coin decide:
playing a coin tossing game which is very familiar to all of us.

 Alice holds a coin and says to Bob, "You pick a side then I will toss the
coin." Bob does so and then Alice tosses the coin  in the air. Then they
both look to see which side of the coin landed on top. If Bob's choice is
on top, Bob may decide where  they go; if the other side of the coin lands
on top, Alice makes the decision.

 In the study of communication procedures, a multi-party-played game like
this one can be given a "scientific sounding" name:  protocol. A protocol
is a well-defined procedure running among a plural number of participating
entities. We should note the importance of the plurality of the game
participants; if a procedure is executed entirely by one entity only then
it is a  procedure and cannot be called a protocol.

 1.1.1 Our First Application of Cryptography

Now imagine that the two friends are trying to run this protocol over the
telephone. Alice offers Bob, "You pick a side. Then  I will toss the coin
and tell you whether or not you have won." Of course Bob will not agree,
because he cannot verify the outcome of the coin toss.

 However we can add a little bit of cryptography to this protocol and turn
it into a version workable over the phone. The result  will become a
cryptographic protocol, our first cryptographic protocol in this book! For
the time being, let us just consider  our "cryptography" as a mathematical
function f(x) which maps over the integers and has the following magic

 Property 1.1: Magic Function f
For every integer x, it is easy to compute f(x) from x, while given any
value f(x) it is impossible to find any information  about a pre-image x,
e.g., whether x is an odd or even number.

 Protocol 1.1: Coin Flipping Over Telephone


Alice and Bob have agreed:
a "magic function" f with properties specified in Property 1.1
 an even number x in f(x) represents HEADS and the other case represents TAILS

 (* Caution: due to (ii), this protocol has a weakness, see Exercise 1.2 *)
Alice picks a large random integer x and computes f(x); she reads f(x) to
Bob over the phone;
 Bob tells Alice his guess of x as even or odd;
 Alice reads x to Bob;
 Bob verifies f(x) and sees the correctness/incorrectness of his guess.
 It impossible to find a pair of integers (x, y) satisfying x ‚ y and f(x)
= f(y).

 In Property 1.1, the adjectives "easy" and "impossible" have meanings
which need further explanations. Also because these words are related  to a
degree of difficulty, we should be clear about their quantifications.
However, since for now we view the function f as a magic one, it is safe
for us to use these words in the way they are used in the common language.
In Chapter 4 we will provide mathematical formulations for various uses of
"easy" and "impossible" in this book. One important task for  this book is
to establish various quantitative meanings for "easy," "difficult" or even
"impossible." In fact, as we will  eventually see in the final technical
chapter of this book (Chapter 19) that in our final realization of the
coin-flipping protocol, the two uses of "impossible" for the "magic
function" in Property 1.1 will have very different quantitative measures.

 Suppose that the two friends have agreed on the magic function f. Suppose
also that they have agreed that, e.g., an even number represents HEADS and
an odd number represents TAILS. Now they  are ready to run our first
cryptographic protocol, Prot 1.1, over the phone.

 It is not difficult to argue that Protocol "Coin Flipping Over Telephone"
works quite well over the telephone. The following is a rudimentary
"security analysis." (Warning: the reason for us to quote  "security
analysis" is because our analysis provided here is far from adequate.) A Rudimentary "Security Analysis"

First, from "Property II" of f, Alice is unable to find two different
numbers x and y, one is odd and the other even (this can be expressed as x
‚ y (mod 2)) such that f(x) = f(y). Thus, once having read the value f(x)
to Bob over the phone (Step 1), Alice has committed to her choice of x and
cannot change her mind. That's when Alice has completed her coin flipping.

 Secondly, due to "Property I" of f, given the value f(x), Bob cannot
determine whether the pre-image used by Alice is odd or even and so has to
place his guess (in Step 2) as a  real guess (i.e., an uneducated guess).
At this point, Alice can convince Bob whether he has guessed right or wrong
by revealing  her pre-image x (Step 3). Indeed, Bob should be convinced if
his own evaluation of f(x) (in Step 4) matches the value told by Alice in
Step 1 and if he believes that the properties of the agreed function hold.
Also, the coin-flipping is fair if x is taken from an adequately large
space so Bob could not have a guessing advantage, that is, some strategy
that gives him  a greater than 50-50 chance of winning.

 We should notice that in our "security analysis" for Prot 1.1 we have made
a number of simplifications and omissions. As a result, the current version
of the protocol is far from a concrete  realization. Some of these
simplifications and omissions will be discussed in this chapter. However,
necessary techniques  for a proper and concrete realization of this
protocol and methodologies for analyzing its security will be the main
topics  for the remainder of the whole book. We shall defer the proper and
concrete realization of Prot 1.1 (more precisely, the "magic function" f)
to the final technical chapter of this book (Chapter 19). There, we will be
technically ready to provide a formal security analysis on the concrete

 1.1.2 An Initial Hint on Foundations of Cryptography

Although our first protocol is very simple, it indeed qualifies as a
cryptographic protocol because the "magic function" the  protocol uses is a
fundamental ingredient for modern cryptography: one-way function. The two
magic properties listed in Property 1.1 pose two computationally
intractable problems, one for Alice, and the other for Bob.

 From our rudimentary security analysis for Prot 1.1 we can claim that the
existence of one-way function implies a possibility for secure selection of
recreation venue. The following  is a reasonable generalization of this

 The existence of a one-way function implies the existence of a secure
cryptographic system.

 It is now well understood that the converse of this claim is also true:

The existence of a secure cryptographic system implies the existence of a
one-way function.

 It is widely believed that one-way function does exist. Therefore we are
optimistic on securing our information. Our optimism  is often confirmed by
our everyday experience: many processes in our world, mathematical or
otherwise, have a one-way property.  Consider the following phenomenon in
physics (though not an extremely precise analogy for mathematics): it is an
easy process  for a glass to fall on the floor and break into pieces while
dispersing a certain amount of energy (e.g., heat, sound or even  some dim
light) into the surrounding environment. The reverse process, recollecting
the dispersed energy and using it to reintegrate  the broken pieces back
into a whole glass, must be a very hard problem if not impossible. (If
possible, the fully recollected  energy could actually bounce the
reintegrated glass back to the height where it started to fall!)

 In Chapter 4 we shall see a class of mathematical functions which provide
the needed one-way properties for modern cryptography.

1.1.3 Basis of Information Security: More than Computational Intractability

We have just claimed that information security requires certain
mathematical properties. Moreover, we have further made an  optimistic
assertion in the converse direction: mathematical properties imply (i.e.,
guarantee) information security.

 However, in reality, the latter statement is not unconditionally true!
Security in real world applications depends on many  real world issues. Let
us explain this by continuing using our first protocol example.

 We should point out that many important issues have not been considered in
our rudimentary security analysis for Prot 1.1. In fact, Prot 1.1 itself is
a much simplified specification. It has omitted some details which are
important to the security services that  the protocol is designed to offer.
The omission has prevented us from asking several questions.

 For instance, we may ask: has Alice really been forced to stick to her
choice of x? Likewise, has Bob really been forced to stick to his even-odd
guess of x? By "forced," we mean whether voice over telephone is sufficient
for guaranteeing the strong mathematical property to take  effect. We may
also ask whether Alice has a good random number generator for her to
acquire the random number x. This quality can be crucially important in a
more serious application which requires making a fair decision.

 All these details have been omitted from this simplified protocol
specification and therefore they become hidden assumptions  (more on this
later). In fact, if this protocol is used for making a more serious
decision, it should include some explicit instructions. For example, both
participants may consider recording the other party's voice when the value
f(x) and the even/odd guess are pronounced over the phone, and replay the
record in case of dispute.

 Often cryptographic systems and protocols, in particular, those introduced
by a textbook on cryptography, are specified with  simplifications similar
to the case in Protocol "Coin Flipping Over Telephone." Simplifications can
help to achieve presentation clarity, especially when some agreement may be
thought of as obvious. But  sometimes a hidden agreement or assumption may
be subtle and can be exploited to result in a surprising consequence. This
is somewhat ironic to the "presentation clarity" which is originally
intended by omitting some details. A violation of an  assumption of a
security system may allow an attack to be exploited and the consequence can
be the nullification of an intended  service. It is particularly difficult
to notice a violation of a hidden assumption. In §1.2.5 we shall provide a
discussion on the importance of explicit design and specification of
cryptographic systems.

 A main theme of this book is to explain that security for real world
applications has many application related subtleties  which must be
considered seriously.

 1.1.4 Modern Role of Cryptography: Ensuring Fair Play of Games

Cryptography was once a preserve of governments. Military and diplomatic
organizations used it to keep messages secret. Nowadays,  however,
cryptography has a modernized role in addition to keeping secrecy of
information: ensuring fair play of "games" by  a much enlarged population
of "game players." That is part of the reasons why we have chosen to begin
this book on cryptography  with a communication game.

 Deciding on a recreation venue may not be seen as a serious business, and
so doing it via flipping a coin over the phone can  be considered as just
playing a small communication game for fun. However, there are many
communications "games" which must  be taken much more seriously. With more
and more business and e-commerce activities being and to be conducted
electronically  over open communications networks, many cases of our
communications involve various kinds of "game playing." (In the Preface  of
this book we have listed various business and services examples which can
be conducted or offered electronically over open  networks; all of them
involve some interactive actions of the participants by following a set of
rules, which can be viewed  as "playing communication games".) These
"games" can be very important!

 In general, the "players" of such "games" are physically distant from each
other and they communicate over open networks which  are notorious for lack
of security. The physical distance combined with the lack of security may
help and/or encourage some  of the "game players" (some of whom can even be
uninvited) to try to defeat the rule of game in some clever way. The
intention  for defeating the rule of game is to try to gain some unentitled
advantage, such as causing disclosure of confidential information,
modification of data without detection, forgery of false evidence,
repudiation of an obligation, damage of accountability  or trust, reduction
of availability or nullification of services, and so on. The importance of
our modern communications in business, in the conduct of commerce and in
providing services (and many more others, such as securing missions of
companies,  personal information, military actions and state affairs) mean
that no unentitled advantage should be gained to a player who  does not
conform the rule of game.

 In our development of the simple "Coin-Flipping-Over-Telephone"
cryptographic protocol, we have witnessed the process whereby an
easy-to-sabotage communication game evolves to a cryptographic  protocol
and thereby offers desired security services. Our example demonstrates the
effectiveness of cryptography in maintaining  the order of "game playing."
Indeed, the use of cryptography is an effective and the only practical way
to ensure secure communications over open computers and communications
networks. Cryptographic protocols are just communication  procedures
armored with the use of cryptography and thereby have protective functions
designed to keep communications in good  order. The endless need for
securing communications for electronic commerce, business and services
coupled with another need  for anticipating the ceaseless temptation of
"breaking the rules of the game" have resulted in the existence of many
cryptographic  systems and protocols, which form the subject matter of this

 1.2 Criteria for Desirable Cryptographic Systems and Protocols

We should start by asking a fundamental question:

What is a good cryptographic system/protocol?

Undoubtedly this question is not easy to answer! One reason is that there
are many answers to it depending on various meanings  the word good may
have. It is a main task for this book to provide comprehensive answers to
this fundamental question. However, here in  this first chapter we should
provide a few initial answers.

 1.2.1 Stringency of Protection Tuned to Application Needs

Let us begin with considering our first cryptographic protocol we designed
in §1.1.1.

We can say that Protocol "Coin Flipping Over Telephone" is good in the
sense that it is conceptually very simple. Some readers who may already be
familiar with many practical one-way  hash functions, such as SHA-1 (see
§10.3.1), might further consider that the function f(x) is also easy to
implement even in a pocket calculator. For example, an output from SHA-1 is
a bit string of length of 160  bits, or 20 bytes (1 byte = 8 bits); using
the hexadecimal encoding scheme (see Example 5.17) such an output can be
encoded into 40 hexadecimal charactersb and so it is just not too tedious
for Alice (Bob) to read (and jot down) over the phone. Such an
implementation should also  be considered sufficiently secure for Alice and
Bob to decide their recreation venue: if Alice wants to cheat, she faces a
non-trivial difficulty in order to find x ‚ y (mod 2) with f(x) = f(y);
likewise, Bob will also have to face a non-trivial difficulty, that is,
given f(x), to determine whether x is even or odd.

 However, our judgement on the quality of Protocol "Coin Flipping Over
Telephone" realized using SHA-1 is based on a level of non-seriousness that
the game players expect on the consequence of the game.  In many more
serious applications (e.g., one which we shall discuss in §1.2.4), a fair
coin-flipping primitive for cryptographic use will in general require much
stronger one-way and commitment-binding  properties than a practical
one-way hash function, such as SHA-1, can offer. We should notice that a
function with the properties  specified in Property 1.1, if we take the
word "impossible" literally, is a completely secure one-way function. Such
a function is not easily implementable. Worse, even its very existence
remains an open question (even though we are optimistic about the
existence, see our optimistic view in §1.1.2, we shall further discuss the
condition for the existence of a one-way function in Chapter 4). Therefore,
for more serious applications of fair coin-flipping, practical hash
functions won't be considered good; much  more stringent cryptographic
techniques are necessary. On the other hand, for deciding a recreation
venue, use of heavyweight  cryptography is clearly unnecessary or overkill.

 We should point out that there are applications where a too-strong
protection will even prevent an intended security service  from functioning
properly. For example, Rivest and Shamir propose a micropayment scheme,
called MicroMint [242], which works by making use of a known deficiency in
an encryption algorithm to their advantage. That payment system exploits  a
reasonable assumption that only a resourceful service provider (e.g., a
large bank or financial institute) is able to prepare  a large number of
"collisions" under a practical one-way function, and do so economically.
This is to say that the service  provider can compute k distinct numbers
(x1, x2, . . ., xk) satisfying

The numbers x1, x2, . . ., xk, are called collision under the one-way
function f. A pair of collisions can be checked efficiently since the
one-way function can be evaluated efficiently, they can be considered  to
have been issued by the resourceful service provider and hence can
represent a certified value. The Data Encryption Standard  (DES, see §7.6)
is suggested as a suitable algorithm for implementing such a one-way
function ([242]) and so to achieve a relatively small output space (64
binary bits). Thus, unlike in the normal cryptographic use of one-way
functions where a collision almost certainly constitutes a successful
attack on the system (for example, in the case of Protocol "Coin Flipping
Over Telephone"), in MicroMint, collisions are used in order to enable a
fancy micropayment service! Clearly, a strong one-way function with  a
significantly larger output space (i.e., 64 bits, such as SHA-1 with 160
bits) will nullify this service even for a resourceful  service provider
(in §3.6 we will study the computational complexity for finding collisions
under a hash function).

 Although it is understandable that using heavyweight cryptographic
technologies in the design of security systems (for example,  wrapping with
layers of encryption, arbitrarily using digital signatures, calling for
online services from a trusted third  party or even from a large number of
them) may provide a better feeling that a stronger security may have been
achieved (it  may also ease the design job), often this feeling only
provides a false sense of assurance. Reaching the point of overkill  with
unnecessary armor is undesirable because in so doing it is more likely to
require stronger security assumptions and to  result in a more complex
system. A complex system can also mean an increased difficulty for security
analysis (hence more likelihood to be error-prone) and secure
implementation, a poorer performance, and a higher overhead cost for
running and  maintenance.

 It is more interesting and a more challenging job to design cryptographic
or security systems which use only necessary techniques  while achieving
adequate security protection. This is an important element for
cryptographic and security systems to qualify  as good.

 1.2.2 Confidence in Security Based on Established "Pedigree"

How can we be confident that a cryptographic algorithm or a protocol is
secure? Is it valid to say that an algorithm is secure  because nobody has
broken it? The answer is, unfortunately, no. In general, what we can say
about an unbroken algorithm is merely that we do not know how to break it
yet. Because in cryptography,  the meaning of a broken algorithm sometimes
has quantitative measures; if such a measure is missing from an unbroken
algorithm,  then we cannot even assert whether or not an unbroken algorithm
is more secure than a known broken one.

 Nevertheless, there are a few exceptions. In most cases, the task of
breaking a cryptographic algorithm or a scheme boils  down to solving some
mathematical problems, such as to find a solution to an equation or to
invert a function. These mathematical  problems are considered "hard" or
"intractable." A formal definition for "hard" or "intractable" will be
given in Chapter 4. Here we can informally, yet safely, say that a
mathematical problem is intractable if it cannot be solved by any known
methods  within a reasonable length of time.

 There are a number of well-known intractable problems that have been
frequently used as standard ingredients in modern cryptography,  in
particular, in public-key or asymmetric cryptography (see §8.3-§8.14). For
example, in public-key cryptography, intractable problems include the
integer factorization problem, the discrete logarithm  problem, the
Diffie-Hellman problem, and a few associated problems (we will define and
discuss these problems in Chapter 8). These problems can be referred to as
established "pedigree" ones because they have sustained a long history of
study by  generations of mathematicians and as a result, they are now
trusted as really hard with a high degree of confidence.

 Today, a standard technique for establishing a high degree of confidence
in security of a cryptographic algorithm is to conduct  a formal proof
which demonstrates that an attack on the algorithm can lead to a solution
to one of the accepted "pedigree" hard problems. Such a proof is an
efficient mathematical transformation, or a sequence of such
transformations, leading from  an attack on an algorithm to a solution to a
hard problem. Such an efficient transformation is called a reduction which
"reduces" an attack to a solution to a hard problem. Since we are highly
confident that the resultant solution to the hard problem is  unlikely to
exist (especially under the time cost measured by the attack and the
reduction transformation), we will be able  to derive a measurable
confidence that the alleged attack should not exist. This way of security
proof is therefore named  "reduction to contradiction:" an easy solution to
a hard problem.

 Formally provable security, in particular under various powerful attacking
model called adaptive attacks, forms an important criterion for
cryptographic algorithms and protocols to be regarded as good. We shall use
fit-for-application security to name security qualities which are
established through formal and reduction-to-contradiction approach under
powerful attacking  models.

 As an important topic of this book, we shall study fit-for-application
security for many cryptographic algorithms and protocols.

1.2.3 Practical Efficiency

When we say that a mathematical problem is efficient or is efficiently
solvable, we basically assert that the problem is solvable  in time which
can be measured by a polynomial in the size of the problem. A formal
definition for efficiency, which will let  us provide precise measures of
this assertion, will be provided in Chapter 4.

 Without looking into quantitative details of this assertion for the time
being, we can roughly say that this assertion divides  all the problems
into two classes: tractable and intractable. This division plays a
fundamental role in the foundations for  modern cryptography: a
complexity-theoretically based one. Clearly, a cryptographic algorithm must
be designed such that it  is tractable on the one hand and so is usable by
a legitimate user, but is intractable on the other hand and so constitutes
a difficult problem for a non-user or an attacker to solve.

 We should however note that this assertion for solubility covers a vast
span of quantitative measures. If a problem's computing  time for a
legitimate user is measured by a huge polynomial, then the "efficiency" is
in general impractical, i.e., can have  no value for a practical use. Thus,
an important criterion for a cryptographic algorithm being good is that it
should be practically efficient for a legitimate user. In specific, the
polynomial that measures the resource cost for the user should be small
(i.e., have  a small degree, the degree of a polynomial will be introduced
in Chapter 4).

 In Chapter 14 we will discuss several pioneering works on provably strong
public-key cryptosystems. These works propose public-key encryption
algorithms under a common motivation that many basic versions of public-key
encryption algorithms are insecure (we name those  insecure schemes
"textbook crypto" because most textbooks in cryptography introduce them up
to their basic and primitive versions;  they will be introduced in Part III
of this book). However, most pioneering works on provably strong public-key
cryptosystems resort to a bit-by-bit encryption  method, [125, 210, 241],
some even take extraordinary steps of adding proofs of knowledge on the
correct encryption of each individual bit [210] plus using public-key
authentication framework [241]. While these early pioneering works are
important in providing insights to achieve strong security, the systems
they propose  are in general too inefficient for applications. After
Chapter 14, we will further study a series of subsequent works following
the pioneering ones on probably strongly secure public-key  cryptosystems
and digital signature schemes. The cryptographic schemes proposed by these
latter works propose have not only  strong security, but also practical
efficiency. They are indeed very good cryptographic schemes.

 A cryptographic protocol is not only an algorithm, it is also a
communication procedure which involves transmitting of messages  over
computer networks between different protocol participants under a set of
agreed rules. So a protocol has a further dimension  for efficiency
measure: the number of communication interactions which are often called
communication rounds. Usually a step  of communication is regarded to be
more costly than a step of local computation (typically an execution of a
set of computer  instructions, e.g. a multiplication of two numbers on a
computing device). Therefore it is desirable that a cryptographic  protocol
should have few communication rounds. The standard efficiency criterion for
declaring an algorithm as being efficient  is if its running time is
bounded by a small polynomial in the size of the problem. If we apply this
efficiency criterion  to a protocol, then an efficient protocol should have
its number of communication rounds bounded by a polynomial of an extremely
small degree: a constant (degree 0) or at most a linear (degree 1)
function. A protocol with communication rounds exceeding  a linear function
should not be regarded as practically efficient, that is, no good for any
practical use.

 In §18.2.3 we will discuss some zero-knowledge proof protocols which have
communication rounds measured by non-linear polynomials. We  should note
that those protocols were not proposed for real applications; instead, they
have importance in the theory of cryptography  and computational
complexity. In Chapter 18 we will witness much research effort for
designing practically efficient zero-knowledge protocols.

 1.2.4 Use of Practical and Available Primitives and Services

A level of security which is good for one application needn't be good
enough for another. Again, let us use our coin-flipping  protocol as an
example. In §1.2.1 we have agreed that, if implemented with the use of a
practical one-way hash function, Protocol "Coin Flipping Over Telephone" is
good enough for Alice and Bob to decide their recreation venue over the
phone. However, in many cryptographic applications  of a fair coin-flipping
primitive, security services against cheating and/or for fairness are at
much more stringent levels;  in some applications the stringency must be in
an absolute sense.

 For example, in Chapter 18 we will discuss a zero-knowledge proof protocol
which needs random bit string input and such random input must be mutually
trusted by both proving/verification parties, or else serious damages will
occur to one or both parties. In such zero-knowledge  proof protocols, if
the two communication parties do not have access to, or do not trust, a
third-party-based service for  supplying random numbers (such a service is
usually nicknamed "random numbers from the sky" to imply its
impracticality) then  they have to generate their mutually trusted random
numbers, bit-by-bit via a fair coin-flipping protocol. Notice that here
the need for the randomness to be generated in a bit-by-bit (i.e., via fair
coin-flipping) manner is in order to satisfy certain  requirements, such as
the correctness and zero-knowledge-ness of the protocol. In such a
situation, a level of practically  good (e.g., in the sense of using a
practical hash function in Protocol "Coin Flipping Over Telephone") is most
likely to be inadequate.

 A challenging task in applied research on cryptography and cryptographic
protocols is to build high quality security services  from practical and
available cryptographic primitives. Once more, let us use a coin-flipping
protocol to make this point clear. The protocol is a remote  coin-flipping
protocol proposed by Blum [43]. Blum's protocol employs a practically
secure and easily implementable "one-way" function but achieves a
high-quality security in a very strong fashion which can be expressed as:
 First, it achieves a quantitative measure on the difficulty against the
coin flipping party (e.g., Alice) for cheating, i.e.,  for preparing a pair
of collision x ‚ y satisfying f(x) = f(y). Here, the difficulty is
quantified by that for factoring a large composite integer, i.e., that for
solving a "pedigree"  hard problem.
 Second, there is absolutely no way for the guessing party to have a
guessing strategy biased away from the 50-50 chance. This is in terms of a
complete security.

 Thus, Blum's coin-flipping protocol is particularly good in the sense of
having achieved a strong security while using only practical cryptographic
primitives. As a strengthening  and concrete realization for our first
cryptographic protocol, we will describe Blum's coin-flipping protocol as
the final  cryptographic protocol of this book.

 Several years after the discovery of public-key cryptography [97, 98,
246], it became gradually apparent that several basic and best-known
public-key encryption algorithms (we will refer to them  as "textbook
crypto") generally have two kinds of weakness: (i) they leak partial
information about the message encrypted;  (ii) they are extremely
vulnerable to active attacks (see Chapter 14). These weaknesses mean that
"textbook crypto" are not fit for applications. Early approaches to a
general fix for the weaknesses  in "textbook crypto" invariantly apply
bit-by-bit style of encryption and even apply zero-knowledge proof
technique at bit-by-bit  level as a means to prevent active attacks, plus
authentication framework. These results, while valuable in the development
of provably secure public-key encryption algorithms, are not suitable for
most encryption applications since the need for  zero-knowledge proof or
for authentication framework is not practical for the case of encryption

 Since the successful initial work of using a randomized padding scheme in
the strengthening of a public key encryption algorithm  [24], a general
approach emerges which strengthens popular textbook public-key encryption
algorithms into ones with provable  security by using popular primitives
such as hash functions and pseudorandom number generators. These
strengthened encryption  schemes are practical since they use practical
primitives such as hash functions, and consequently their efficiency is
similar  to the underlying "textbook crypto" counterparts. Due to this
important quality element, some of these algorithms enhanced  from using
practical and popular primitives become public-key encryption and digital
signature standards. We shall study several  such schemes in Chapters 15
and 16.

 Designing cryptographic schemes, protocols and security systems using
available and popular techniques and primitives is also  desirable in the
sense that such results are more likely to be secure as they attract a
wider interest for public scrutiny.

 1.2.5 Explicitness

In the late 1960's, software systems grew very large and complex. Computer
programmers began to experience a crisis, the so-called  "software crisis."
Large and complex software systems were getting more and more error prone,
and the cost of debugging a  program became far in excess of the cost of
the program design and development. Soon computer scientists discovered a
few  perpetrators who helped to set-up the crisis which resulted from bad
programming practice. Bad programming practice includes:
 Arbitrary use of the GOTO statement (jumping up and down seems very
Abundant use of global variables (causing uncontrolled change of their
values, e.g., in an unexpected execution of a subroutine)
The use of variables without declaration of their types (implicit types can
be used in Fortran, so, for example, a real value  may be truncated to an
integer one without being noticed by the programmer)
 Unstructured and unorganized large chunk of codes for many tasks (can be
thousands of lines a piece)
Few commentary lines (since they don't execute!)

These were a few "convenient" things for a programmer to do, but had proved
to be capable of causing great difficulties in  program debugging,
maintenance and further development. Software codes designed with these
"convenient" features can be just too obscure to be comprehensible and
maintained. Back then it was not uncommon that a programmer would not be
able to to understand  a piece of code s/he had written merely a couple of
months or even weeks ago.

 Once the disastrous consequences resulting from the bad programming
practice were being gradually understood, Program Design Methodology became
a subject of study in which being explicit became an important principle
for programming. Being explicit includes limiting the use of GOTO and
global variables (better  not to use them at all), explicit (via mandatory)
type declaration for any variables, which permits a compiler to check type
flaws systematically and automatically, modularizing programming (dividing
a large program into many smaller parts, each for  one task), and using
abundant (as clear as possible) commentary material which are texts inside
a program and documentation  outside.

 A security system (cryptographic algorithm or protocol) includes program
parts implemented in software and/or hardware, and  in the case of
protocol, the program parts run on a number of separate hosts (or a number
of programs concurrently and interactively  running on these hosts). The
explicitness principle for software engineering applies to a security
system's design by default  (this is true in particular for protocols).
However, because a security system is assumed to run in a hostile
environment  in which even a legitimate user may be malicious, a designer
of such systems must also be explicit about many additional things.  Here
we list three important aspects to serve as general guidelines for security
system designers and implementors. (In the  rest of the book we will see
many attacks on algorithms and protocols due to being implicit in design or
specification of  these systems.)
 Be explicit about all assumptions needed.

 A security system operates by interacting with an environment and
therefore it has a set of requirements which must be satisfied  by that
environment. These requirements are called assumptions (or premises) for a
system to run. A violation of an assumption  of a protocol may allow the
possibility of exploiting an attack on the system and the consequence can
be the nullification  of some intended services. It is particularly
difficult to notice a violation of an assumption which has not been clearly
specified (a hidden assumption). Therefore all assumptions of a security
system should be made explicit.

 For example, it is quite common that a protocol has an implicit assumption
or expectation that a computer host upon which  the protocol runs can
supply good random numbers, but in reality few desktop machines or
hand-held devices are capable of  satisfying this assumption. A so-called
low-entropy attack is applicable to protocols using a poor random source. A
widely  publicized attack on an early implementation of the Secure Sockets
Layer (SSL) Protocol (an authentication protocol for World Wide Web browser
and server, see §12.5) is a well-known example of the low-entropy attack

 Explicit identification and specification of assumptions can also help the
analysis of complex systems. DeMillo et al. (Chapter  4 of [91]), DeMillo
and Merritt [92] suggest a two-step approach to cryptographic protocol
design and analysis, which are listed below (after a modification  by Moore
[204, 205]):
 Identify all assumptions made in the protocol.
 For each assumption in step (i), determine the effect on the security of
the protocol if that assumption were violated.
Be explicit about exact security services to be offered.

 A cryptographic algorithm/protocol provides certain security services.
Examples of some important security services include:  confidentiality (a
message cannot be comprehended by a non-recipient), authentication (a
message can be recognized to confirm  its integrity or its origin),
non-repudiation (impossibility for one to deny a connection to a message),
proof of knowledge  (demonstration of evidence without disclosing it), and
commitment (e.g., a service offered to our first cryptographic protocol
"Coin Flipping Over Telephone" in which Alice is forced to stick to a
string without being able to change).

 When designing a cryptographic protocol, the designer should be very clear
regarding exactly what services the protocol intends  to serve and should
explicitly specify them as well. The explicit identification and
specification will not only help the  designer to choose correct
cryptographic primitives or algorithms, but also help an implementor to
correctly implement the  protocol. Often, an identification of services to
the refinement level of the general services given in these examples is
not adequate, and further refinement of them is necessary. Here are a few
possible ways to further refine some of them:

 privacy, anonymity, invisibility, indistinguishability

 data-origin, data-integrity, peer-entity

 message-issuance, message-receipt

Proof of knowledge
 knowledge possession, knowledge structure

A misidentification of services in a protocol design can cause misuse of
cryptographic primitives, and the consequence can  be a security flaw in
the protocol. In Chapter 2 and Chapter 11 we will see disastrous examples
of security flaws in authentication protocols due to misidentification of
security services  between confidentiality and authentication.

 There can be many more kinds of security services with more ad hoc names
(e.g., message freshness, non-malleability, forward  secrecy, perfect
zero-knowledge, fairness, binding, deniability, receipt freeness, and so
on). These may be considered as  derivatives or further refinement from the
general services that we have listed earlier (a derivative can be in terms
of negation,  e.g., deniability is a negative derivative from
non-repudiation). Nevertheless, explicit identification of them is often
necessary  in order to avoid design flaws.
 Be explicit about special cases in mathematics.

 As we have discussed in §1.2.2, some hard problems in computational
complexity theory can provide a high confidence in the security of a
cryptographic algorithm or protocol. However, often a hard problem has some
special cases which are not hard at all. For example, we know that the
problem of factorization of a large composite integer is in general very
hard. However the factorization of a large composite integer N = PQ where Q
is the next prime number of a large prime number P is not a hard problem at
all! One can do so efficiently by computing (? is called the floor function
and denotes the integer part of ·) and followed by a few trial divisions
around that number to pinpoint P and Q.

 Usual algebraic structures upon which cryptographic algorithms work (such
as groups, rings and fields, to be studied in Chapter 5) contain special
cases which produce exceptionally easy problems. Elements of small
multiplicative orders (also defined in  Chapter 5) in a multiplicative
group or a finite field provide such an example; an extreme case of this is
when the base for the Diffie-Hellman  key exchange protocol (see §8.3) is
the unity element in these algebraic structures. Weak cases of elliptic
curves, e.g., "supersingular curves" and "anomalous  curves," form another
example. The discrete logarithm problem on "supersingular curves" can be
reduced to the discrete logarithm  problem on a finite field, known as the
Menezes-Okamoto-Vanstone attack [197] (see § An "anomalous curve"
is one with the number of points on it being equal to the size of the
underlying field, which allows  a polynomial time solution to the discrete
logarithm problem on the curve, known as the attack of Satoh-Araki [252],
Semaev [258] and Smart [278].

 An easy special case, if not understood by an algorithm/protocol designer
and/or not clearly specified in an algorithm/protocol  specification, may
easily go into an implementation and can thus be exploited by an attacker.
So an algorithm/protocol designer  must be aware of the special cases in
mathematics, and should explicitly specify the procedures for the
implementor to eliminate  such cases.

 It is not difficult to list many more items for explicitness (for example,
a key-management protocol should stipulate explicitly  the key-management
rules, such as separation of keys for different usages, and the procedures
for proper key disposal, etc.). Due to the specific nature of these items
we cannot list all of them here. However, explicitness as a general
principle for  cryptographic algorithm/protocol design and specification
will be frequently raised in the rest of the book. In general, the  more
explicitly an algorithm/protocol is designed and specified, the easier it
is for the algorithm/protocol to be analyzed;  therefore the more likely it
is for the algorithm/protocol to be correctly implemented, and the less
likely it is for the  algorithm/protocol to suffer an unexpected attack.

 1.2.6 Openness

Cryptography was once a preserve of governments. Military and diplomatic
organizations used it to keep messages secret. In  those days, most
cryptographic research was conducted behind closed doors; algorithms and
protocols were secrets. Indeed, governments did, and they still do, have a
valid point in keeping their cryptographic research activities secret. Let
us imagine  that a government agency publishes a cipher. We should only
consider the case that the cipher published is provably secure; otherwise
the publication can be too dangerous and may actually end up causing
embarrassment to the government. Then other  governments may use the
provably secure cipher and consequently undermine the effectiveness of the
code-breakers of the government  which published the cipher.

 Nowadays, however, cryptographic mechanisms have been incorporated in a
wide range of civilian systems (we have provided a  non-exhaustive list of
applications in the very beginning of this chapter). Cryptographic research
for civilian use should  take an open approach. Cryptographic algorithms do
use secrets, but these secrets should be confined to the cryptographic
keys or keying material (such as passwords or PINs); the algorithms
themselves should be made public. Let's explore the reasons for this

 In any area of study, quality research depends on the open exchange of
ideas via conference presentations and publications  in scholarly journals.
However, in the areas of cryptographic algorithms, protocols and security
systems, open research is more than just a common means to acquire and
advance knowledge. An important function of open research is public expert
examination.  Cryptographic algorithms, protocols and security systems have
been notoriously error prone. Once a cryptographic research  result is made
public it can be examined by a large number of experts. Then the
opportunity for finding errors (in design  or maybe in security analysis)
which may have been overlooked by the designers will be greatly increased.
In contrast, if an algorithm is designed and developed in secret, then in
order to keep the secret, only few, if any, experts can have access  to and
examine the details. As a result the chance for finding errors is
decreased. A worse scenario can be that a designer may know an error and
may exploit it secretly.

 It is now an established principle that cryptographic algorithms,
protocols, and security systems for civilian use must be  made public, and
must go through a lengthy public examination process. Peer review of a
security system should be conducted  by a hostile expert.

 1.3 Chapter Summary

In this chapter we began with an easy example of applied cryptography. The
three purposes served by the example are:
Showing the effectiveness of cryptography in problem solving
Aiming for a fundamental understanding of cryptography
Emphasizing the importance of non-textbook aspects of security

They form the main topics to be developed in the rest of this book.

We then conducted a series of discussions which served the purpose for an
initial background and cultural introduction to  the areas of study. Our
discussions in these directions are by no means of complete. Several other
authors have also conducted extensive study on principles, guidelines and
culture for the areas of cryptography and information security. The
following  books form good further reading material: Schneier [254],
Gollmann [129] and Anderson [14]. Schneier's monthly distributed
"Crypto-Gram Newsletters" are also good reading material. To subscribe for
receiving the  newsletters, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]



What is the difference between a protocol and an algorithm?


In Prot 1.1 Alice can decide HEADS or TAILS. This may be an unfair
advantage for some applications. Modify the protocol so that Alice  can no
longer have this advantage.

Hint: let a correct guess decide the side.


Let function f map from the space of 200-bit integers to that of 100-bit
ones with the following mapping rule:

here "?" denotes bit-by-bit XOR operation, i.e.,

        i.      Is f efficient?
 Does f have the "Magic Property I"?
 Does f have the "Magic Property II"?
 Can this function be used in Prot 1.1?


Is an unbroken cryptographic algorithm more secure than a known broken one?
If not, why?


Complex systems are error-prone. Give an additional reason for a complex
security system to be even more error-prone.

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"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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