On Tue, 9 Nov 2004, R.A. Hettinga wrote:

> At 7:11 PM -0800 11/8/04, Chuck Wolber wrote:
> >"&cet" is an HTMl element
> Wrong again. Mere hyperlatinate British public school affectation, & = 
> et, and, um, all that...

Strange, you called that a rudimentary part of modern culture. Are you 
aware of any territories outside of that which the queen et. al. has 

> >> Yes, and, apparently, by your inability to parse something that is a 
> >> rudimentary part of modern culture, you generated it.
> >
> >Or perhaps it's your lack of command of the modern QWERTY keyboard...
> Nope. See above, and, again, thank you for playing.

Bad form. Rude and dismissive. Tsk tsk. I guess it's a good way of 
redirecting the argument when you're getting desperate though...


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