Jesus, Bob, this and the Schwartz hosannah for Free Fallujah 
are about as bad a puke as anything you've posted. 

These vomitoria are upchucked by the hundreds by professional 
writers usually under contract, or angling for one, or in the case 
of the eye-witness in the propaganda unit of the Corps. 

Go over to DoD's and the mil departments' and warmongering
foreign policy web sites and you'll see a lot of this juvenalia 
posted urging dads and sons to get hot about serving the nation. 

Formulaic dreck to generate fodder for the grinding machine.

DoD puts on these shows several times a week, and all
spokespersons speak the same lingo -- Stepford wiving.

On Friday DoD rolled out two vile initiatives claiming to
support the troops. Remember that when a military action
like Fallujah is completely unnecessary except to display
power by hamburgering youngsters and civilians, the glorious
war stories come fast and furious to counter the uptick
of funerals and VA hospital lifetime inductees.

BTW, Bob, what's your draft status? Ready to die or lose
your limbs for a mil spin doctors' salary boost?

The NY Times today describes a Marine sniper getting his
head exploded by an insurgent sniper, a day or so after the
Marine predicted it would happen, whistling dixie, narcotized
by the Green Cunt.

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