Associated Press has pre-issued a Thanksgiving Day photo
of a former US soldier who lost a leg, participating in a photo
op at a military base. Secdef and CJCS issued pre-holiday
thanks yesterday to the families of the military dead and to
the wounded and maimed in hospitals and on photo op tours.

Today Secdef was on Laura Ingraham gushing (slobber not
blood) about the website where 
red-blooded Americans can participate in thanksgiving the Iraq
bloodletting, praising the headless and limbless and scared 
shitless and McVeigh-mad-dogs yearning-to-frag-backhome-warfighters.

AP has nearly stopped showing valorous warriors in combat 
in Iraq, now its mostly photos of funerals and the dead in 
cheerful high school pictures and dress-uniformed headshots, 
oops, head shots are no, no's, except for the hardbitten 
would-be warriors here sitting fat and happy before the keyboard 
tapping for more killing, right James, civil war over there is 
hunky dory, but please not an RPG invading your computer 
bubble, an IED making your kids into rag dolls.

Overseas wars are delightful movie-land fun from over here,
Secdef croons -- gobble, gobble, Sergeant York called for the
Secdef's curious-head pop-up.

Seen the Norwegian site that calls for Bush's head shot?
Two URLs, the last vivid:

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